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Everything posted by Darnok

  1. You confused definitions, all the time I was repeating dark matter/dark energy/aether/space pressure call it as you like. And you picked aether definition from 100 years ago when people had no idea about subatomic particles. I am talking about SPACE PRESSURE, but I like the name "aether" I am not sure if space pressure particles/aether can be moved or not. Maybe they are creating grid with nodes and if you put atom in that space, you move few of those nodes/particles/aether just because atoms have volume. Then those particles/aether/nodes are pushed or pulled by each other along grid lines (depends how they work) to make grid perfect again. But this grid deformation creates pressure and the force that is pushing atoms and any other particle, of course with single atom it is not very interesting. But if you put two or more atoms nearby then you will deform grid in way that grid particles/aether/nodes will push atoms to the center of your "construction" and you would be able to notice there is force between those atoms... some people (not seeing this grid with nodes) would scream atoms are pulling each other it is gravity, so they have to have mass! While other interpretation is also possible... they may be pushed towards because of pressure of space particle/aether/grid nodes deformation. Photon may look like particle surrounded by wave because it will deform grid while moving and space grid must be very elastic. Of course the more you stretch it the larger force/pressure is created between grid nodes.
  2. You should reread my post, because you didn't understood anything and I answered your question.
  3. Between atoms of paper and lead is different space, what causes different pressure around them, so there is different force between objects made from them and the Earth? Inside your body, between atoms and even between electrons and protons there is "void" filled by Aether. So particles deep inside your body are not free from pressure, but pressure in center of your head is smaller than pressure around of your body. So if everyone jumps they will make tiny change in aether pressure that is around Earth, don't forget inside Earth rocks, dust, water, planet core there is lots of empty space also filled with aether. Imagine that even in star core there is some void/empty space filled with aether. Only black hole has no empty space between its particles, that is why aether pressure around it is so huge, it can push and crush everything and from crushing single atoms black hole generates energy in form of radiation of different types. Any other object, than black hole, has "empty space" inside (between atoms), so pressure around it is bit higher than inside this object, this is force that is keeping things in one piece
  4. But there is need for dark matter and dark energy? Concept of Aether was closer to reality than Einstein relativity concept with some artificial limits and lots of assumptions. Aether was rejected using Ockham's razor not because it was wrong concept.
  5. What tools we have to measure particle sizes? Imagine your only tool to measure size of objects and particles is ping-pong ball, if you measure size of car or human it can give you more or less accurate results. But if you would want to measure size of ping-pong ball using ping-pong balls you would see wave Not to mention what results you would get trying to measure size of ball 5 or 10 times smaller than ping-pong ball using bouncing ping-pong balls. Electrons and other super small particles does have size and volume, we just don't have tools to measure them. Space itself can be filled with some neutral particles call it as you like dark matter, dark energy or Aether (I prefer last one ) but space is not void. Those particles can interact with other larger particles like photons and create waves behind it. Aether can even have pressure and push atoms towards each other, basically this is how EM drive works it uses Aether (the space pressure) to push itself away from "nothing". There is no need for mass (and gravity) all we need is space pressure that can push objects to each other, it can even push electrons towards protons. Change in position is vector - magnitude (energy used to make a push) and direction. Certain amount of time, what time? Seconds, days? Those units are not real, they were created by us humans to make some calculations simpler. Universe doesn't need time to work, objects doesn't need time to move, you need time to calculate speed because you learned thinking that way in school. Travelling, movement is real, but distance not, distance is your construct created to measure something. EDIT: You are right I don't know and I am not assuming it is same, but you are And that is mistake, because you are creating hypothesis and using this hypothesis as FACT and you forgot it was created using assumption. What you call mass is just force between two objects, but you can't say does those objects are pulling each other or they are pushed, by pressure of space (dark matter/dark energy etc etc call it as you like) Matter can be massless, so "speed" faster than light may be possible.
  6. Mass is human construct, we can measure force between two objects, but we can't say are they pulling each other or are they pushed towards each other. Electron generate magnetic fields on movement, but to move them you need energy, so in some way magnetic field is derivative of movement and energy. So what is source of time? You need it to calculate speed Just look at atoms or any other particles, they have size, that is very real. They have energy that is also real. Particles or larger bodies like planets also were moved by some energy (doesn't matter if it was impact energy from other particles/bodies or influence of magnetic field) after that they are changing their location inside of universe and that's it. But speed is construct because it calculates travel distance and time, while universe doesn't really needs to hold such values and particles and planets may move inside it. You should read what I said "IN OUR GALAXY", we have no idea how "fast" light may travel in intergalactic space. You people have mind set of medieval person that still thinks Sun is orbiting Earth :/ just because they measure Suns movement on the sky each day it is true!!! You didn't read that article "The work demonstrates that, after passing the light beam through a mask, photons move more slowly through space. Crucially, this is very different to the slowing effect of passing light through a medium such as glass or water, where the light is only slowed during the time it is passing through the material – it returns to the speed of light after it comes out the other side. The effect of passing the light through the mask is to limit the top speed at which the photons can travel." Light speed is not longer constant! And speed itself is not part of universe it is just simplification for our calculations. Wrong, it has everything to do with satellites movement, you just using wrong equations, so they needs to be corrected to move at same "time" seen from Earth. Bullet or even small particles can hurt you because of energy released from impact with your body. If you would build robot arm that would push bullet through your body, very slowly, it would do it and this robot arm would use same amount of energy you needed to move bullet plus energy released from impact. Of course type of damage of your body would be different (impact and energy release vs slow pushing).
  7. So if you very close to speed of light and you breathe out CO2 does that gas is going faster than light or not? It is no longer moving with speed of ship What? Relativity is fundamentally broken, because it assumes limits and it is based on time and gravity, while we didn't found sources of any of them. Show me source of time or source of gravity As for satellites if you are using fundamentally broken equations to calculate satellites movement and orbits no wonder you have to make adjustments Bullet can hurt your body because you used large portion of energy to move it. While you can always use more energy to move some object a bit further why would there be speed limit? Speed is handy in some calculations like how fast you can go from home to work, but it is not real it is all about energy you put into object to move it. EDIT: Speed of light isn't even constant http://www.hw.ac.uk/news/scientists-slow-down-speed-light-travelling-20509.htm if you can slow it down, you can also put more energy on it and make it faster. How do you know we are not measuring slowed down photons? Maybe our galaxy is surrounded by some kind of field that slows down light.
  8. Relativity is just concept with few assumptions nothing more, it is just hypothesis written on paper without proof and I doubt it universe work that way. Just imagine you are on that ship and you fire bullet to some stationary target, bullet moves faster than light from target perspective There can't be speed limit in universe because speed is our (human) construct it doesn't exist for real.
  9. It is worth it, you won't agree with me after first 10 hours, but after 100 hours you would buy KSP again
  10. 9. you can do that by simple disabling battery in probe core in craft editor
  11. Past 6 months counting from July 9, 2014? And key word - fluctuations.
  12. You seem to forgeting that Earth magnetic field is getting weaker and it is not stable http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earth-s-magnetic-field-flip-could-happen-sooner-than-expected/ that means Sun activity can be normal, but we get more radiation and energy because of weaker magnetic field.
  13. How did you manage to bring on board a device whose function can not understand average stewardess? After all, in airplanes is forbidden even to to use the phone during takeoff and landing.
  14. Reminds me http://imgur.com/gallery/n2HuvWZ
  15. Interesting, it would be amazing if KSP would get so much improved performance (btw I am optimist).
  16. You should tell that to Einstein and few other scientists that only have some notes on paper as proof of their claims
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperion_%28moon%29
  18. So you see conspiracy theory in simple math?
  19. There is interesting ratio between Moon and Ceres... Moon radius / Earth radius = 3/11 and Ceres radius / Moon radius is also 3/11
  20. In Star Trek movies it looks like it is exact same person, just his/her particles are moved from one location to other. If it would be otherwise you would see immortal characters because everyone would like to be stored in computers memory before mission and so if something goes wrong he could be recreated. IMO they knew how to convert energy into matter and matter into energy, so why would they kill person instead of just convert his/her body into energy, that is much easier to transport.
  21. Yes they are constants, that is why any math-boy on same level of knowledge should be able to build that triangle? And if you use À as variable and put different numbers from world around you for example planet radius, you have exact same context for everyone in entire universe! For your "local" calculations you may use your numbers, but what matters is universal equation phi*À with geometry figure, it makes sense everywhere you go in every language you write it. All you need is math and knowledge about À. Of course we don't know what that constant means to aliens just by looking at À, but using geometry and math we get universal language. For communication we need only one more thing... context and that is possible by just stupid pointing finger on Earth and Moon Or by IQ test... those where you have 3 images in few rows and you have to think about what is going on just by looking at their movement in different columns. Now imagine more complicated IQ test where we have geometry figure. For example triangle with math constant values and different equations between them. From first look at À, phi*À you see dependence, you understand it is math, two values, if you have math knowledge on level high enough you understand what those values means in your language, so for aliens with same knowledge they should have exact same meaning. Now in last row we get something real like figure made with stars, planet with moon or anything else to show us context and scale. We can calculate arbitrary numbers from this context if we want to Why bother omg... you don't understand, go to zoo and look at those animals, why are they in cages? Would they be still locked in if they would be able to communicate with YOU? More advanced civilization will look at us just like we are looking at cavemans or animals in zoo if we won't understand universal values of universe.
  22. I am not talking about numbers, you are. I am talking about math functions like those at bottom of image on image you got 4, that is mistake it can be replaced by math function sqrt(phi)*À À, e, phi, À*phi etc etc are functions, universal from math perspective. I am trying to think as far away from numbers as I can, IMO advanced civilizations probably are using universal math functions to describe universe instead of some picked numbers understood only by them. If they are using geometry and universal math functions there is possible they have base symbol set for different words/measurements, like Egyptians had. And this triangle and circles could mean habitable planet Using À as radius of planet and other functions you are free from arbitrary values like radius ~6300km, so you can use those proportions to measure planet of any size. More interesting questions would be: How ancient Egyptians 2500BC knew Earth is not flat? How they knew À, phi, e? (look when those function were discovered by our civilization) How it is possible that Earth and Moon created by crashing rocks in orbit around the Sun fit almost perfectly in universal math functions?
  23. That is why we should think in layers or contexts. For example use this if you use Earth and Moon radius it will work. But you can think about something else, different context like in this example universal functions would work as well. Some ratios are universal when you think in same context, but picking caesium 133 and measuring duration of 9192631770 periods has no universal context, it is only our choice nothing more. Finding that kind of values around universe is pointless for any alien civilization, we are acting like we wouldn't know À at all From alien mathematician point of view we may look like Neanderthals with very basic understanding of math, universe, geometry and with almost no ability for communication.
  24. For you maybe that is true. That is only opinion not a universal fact
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