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Everything posted by Darnok

  1. Guys this should be poll thread I suck at planning landings and interplanetary transfers.
  2. 20 generations in only 20 years that is interesting.
  3. What world hunger? Have you seen hunger in USA or in Europe? I don't know how it works in USA, but in Europe goverments are paying farmers money from taxes (gathered from other branches), so they wouldn't announced bankruptcy. If you wonder why? Answer is simple, farmers in Europe are producing much more food than Europe needs and even more than Europe can sell, so food price from farmers perspective is so little they almost went bankrupt. But they found way, force goverment to pay them money from taxes other people paid If in Europe we would have too little food then farmers would be richests group in society, because food prices would be at levels they would have huge revenue and you can say I won't buy new smarphone, but you can't say I won't buy meal You can't solve Africa hunger problems by increasing food production in USA or Europe, simply because nobody is going to make money from that and if there is no money from that bussiness nobody for free is going to rent ships and send food to Africa. Well even if Europe food overproduction is going to be decreased trading food with Africa still won't work. In Africa people are poor, all they can offer is their work, but what job offer you can give to profesional gatherer or hunter? If you have company even with many ships and you own even lots of farms in Europe what would you need from hunter from Africa? Only thing that can help with this problem is technology, but not GMO that is making things even worse. If Europe or USA would share their current farming technology and spend lots of money on education in Africa then people in there would learn how to make food on farms on their own. But nobody is going to share technology for free so they are telling in TV "they are fighting world hunger", but that is a lie. Also nobody is so stupid he wants his opponents to go stronger, so Africans are going to die from hunger, because both Europe and USA politicians are afraid what would world look like if Africa would develop at level of China. If you are growing plants in a natural way that you get a better harvest, but the rate at evolution works, which is rather slowly. However, at the same time you are sure that the next harvest will not be harmful or poisonous, because natural evolution does not work like that. In the natural evolution the changes between generations are small, but of course if you grow a few hundreds generations of plants, you will get plants different than the original, and there is nothing wrong with this, this mechanism that works and it is called evolution While GMO works differently, making changes in plants in labolatory you are skipping hundreds and maybe even thousands generations evolution would need. You are unsure of what you receive and what impact this will have on your body or environment. You won't see plants that have no seeds in nature, because natural evolution wouldn't go in that direction. Monsanto is greedy, so they want their patents to be used all over the World, right now there are patents on different plants but they are scattered between different countries and different companies. If single company gets all the food production patents then food price is going to be dependent on the will of that single company, you should be aware of how wrong and dangerous is that. Also Monsanto is not sure how their products are going to evolve if they would go wild and evolve in natural environment, so they are trying to reduce the spread of the plant outside controlled areas.
  4. I am just asking questions and never said I think it is going to stop bullets.
  5. Could it be also used as nuclear power plant shielding for better safety, anti-nuke bunkers, protection from NERVA engines radiation, Moon/Mars bases shield, drones shielding, so laser won't shutdown its system? Energy consuption when nuclear reactors are close shouldn't be a problem
  6. Something that can be used as radiation shield from solar flares for Orion like crafts?
  7. I would like new game mode Survival mode - huge asteroid is on a collision course with Kerbin. You have only a few years to invent, build, test and send into orbit or on another planet expedition of which depends the survival of an entire civilization.
  8. Ok, so how do you calculate density of planet covered by ice from such huge distance?
  9. How did they calculated this? http://imgur.com/OnPVJ8A
  10. Maybe power from that power plant could be cheaper than rocket fuel on lander + cost of sending that rocket fuel to Moon? With multiple landings, costs of power plant would be acceptable, for single landing it is of course stupid approach
  11. I can be done... instead of parachute use solar sail-like materials http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_sail Of course before your parachute (solar sail) lading you would have to send drone + power plant + energy canon, so this canon would shoot massive charge and slow down your lander. It would be very expensive, but possible
  12. Awesome, so what are those answers?
  13. Assuming Mars One is going to succed and colony is going to be self sufficient (with basic resources) over years... then Where are they going to pay taxes? What law is going to be in there? What nationality will have children? In what currency they will make trade with the Earth? Banks will be there for people to take out loans, so needed to live, or people will have to simply work to sustain and prosper?
  14. 5 structural panels M-2x2, it can be used as armor. Pretty heavy, but hard to destroy?
  15. I'm not disappointed, just curious how the new parts and new features look like. Maybe you could share few new screenshots and everybody (me for sure) will be happy?
  16. Wow those things looks great I love that rover cabin and all those habs... and 100% agree we need ramps and 3.75m science lab.
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