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    Curious George

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  1. When attaching the landing engines, I just adjusted the part angle for one so it lined up then duplicated it to all 4 attachment nodes. Alternatively you could rotate the pod so that the attachment nodes are at 90 degree angles as opposed to being default offset by 45 degrees and attach the landing engines then.
  2. Yep, still working great. Able to start the mission I was prepping for. it's a huge vessel using a mix of FFT, NFT, & Stockalike Station Parts. I'd like to show it off, if there's a good place to link the album.
  3. You're good, I figured that's what you were talking about. @Nertea Tentatively calling it fixed with the new .dll, can't get it to trip while charging the engine. Going to load it into the full modded set and test to be sure, but I'm thinking it's good now. Edit: So far so good. Will update if something does pop up, but I think it's good now. Thanks for all you do!
  4. Just tested barebones, did get it to trip with that Stardust engine charging. I'll pull the updated plugin now, let you know if it fixes things. I think I also have an unrelated bug pop up with the antimatter factory not showing up, but it could be because the barebones test is in a brand new save game, and I don't recall if I loaded FFT into an in-progress game or not. Different issue friend, got a weird bug with the fusion reactor, probably not related to what you're talking about. See previous replies.
  5. That's a relief! Let me know if there's anything I can do on my end to help. I think I mentioned before that I run a heavily modded setup, so I'll probably take a swing at it down to bare-bones like I mentioned tomorrow, just to make sure there isn't some obscure thing going in in the background.
  6. Sorry, in hindsight my edits were very stream-of-consciousness. Basically if using an engine/thruster, usually a Near Future Propulsion thruster that draws power as part of its function, that reaches at least 200 electric charge per second power draw....that seems to trip something with the fusion reactor that causes it the act as though it ran out of fuel. Any other engine/thruster does not cause this. Additionally, while testing the K-49 'Stardust' Ablative Inertial Confinement Fusion Engine from the Far Future Technology mod, if you set the rate of charging for that engine to around 200 electric charge per second, it would cause the same thing. The weird thing was if you set the rate of charge to max, it wouldn't cause the issue. hope that makes more sense, and apologies for that mess of a reply
  7. In summary, the "out of fuel, shutting down" issue is being caused by throttling up an engine that requires EC. Further testing determined there is a threshold at which these engines are tripping the issue, approximately 200-300 Ec/s power draw. This was tested with the same craft as specified by Nertea in the initial reply. Next steps would be to test with purely FFT & stock parts (as initial testing involved fuel tanks & engines from NF Propulsion), and from there clearing game down to FFT & dependencies and pure stock. Edit: Just tried adding a Stardust engine, as long as you set the recharge below 200 Ec/s, or at max charge (1,000 Ec/s), it doesn't trip the error. If you fiddle with the recharge slider, you can induce the error. It's looking like power consumption exactly at the 200-250 Ec/s mark will trip it, but it has to hit or pass through that number, starting the rate above that number doesn't trip it.
  8. Replicated the exact testing parameters as you stated above, with the exact size pod, reactor, etc. No issue, and this is with a heavily-modded game. Testing the 3.75m reactor now. Will update reply with results. Edit 1: So far it's operating fine, using 4x NFE 10k batteries, 4x 4K Graphene radiators, 3.75m Deutrium fuel tank, and 3.75m fusion reactor. It is however generating a significant amount of excess heat. During max timewarp the command pod reached sufficient heat to have the gauges pop up, ultimately to about 75% of max heat, however that was as high as it reached. On resuming normal time, that excess heat immediately went into the radiators, which read at 99.88% Cooling, and also had a part temp of approx. 75% of max. Ultimately no random shutdown, next step is to look at vessel that issue occurred on and determine what part(s) or mods may have tripped something./ Edit 2: @Nertea Tested original craft, reacted same as the 3.75m test craft (no issue other than heating). However, I had mechjeb execute a Hohmann transfter to the Mun. Right before it finished the burn, I deployed two OKEB-75 Blanket Photovoltaic Arrays. One of those tripped the "out of fuel, shutting down" issue. going to see if the solar panel deployment was the issue first. Possibly important detail, the out of fuel message popped up about the moment the solar panels finished deploying, rather than the moment deployment was initiated. Edit 3: Testing it one more time to be certain, but it looks like the trigger is having the solar panels deployed, and throttling up the engines. The engines in question are two Colossus MPD engines. Passive power generation from thermoelectric generators do not seem to be an issue. Edit 4: It appears it's the throttling up of EC-dependent engines that throws it, not anything related to solar panels.
  9. I seem to be having an issue with the 3.75m fusion reactor. I'll start it up, it will run fine, and then after using a particular amount of fuel (in both D-D & D-He3 fuel modes), it suddenly says it's out of fuel and shuts down, despite the fusion fuel tank attached directly to it having 99% fuel remaining. I know I have sufficient cooling (even though that isn't the issue), with the 4K Graphene radiators. I'm honestly stumped as to what might be causing it. Scene change seems to clear it temporarily, however after some undetermined duration it says it's out of fuel and shuts down. Restarting the reactor doesn't fix it. Whatever is causing it, it's not something that is being caught in the KSP log file. SIde note, the reactor keeps defaulting to D-D fuel mode, even after changing to D-He3 fuel mode & saving in editor. TL;DR, fusion reactor shutting down b/c lack of fuel despite plenty of fuel, scene change only temp fixes, issue not coming up as ERR, WRN, or LOG event in KSP log file.
  10. @Madman_Andre @Vahnskir Eskandare has already taken over this mod. If you look above Madman_Andre's comment, Just be patient. It does no good to ask for an ETA, and in face there is a sticky'd post regarding poking modders on ETAs.
  11. @bcink That screenshot of the error is the exact error I was getting. Near as I could tell with the mods I run, CRP didn't appear to cause any game-breaking bugs, but as soon as Cryogenic Engines was in the mix is when that error did pop up, so helaeon most likely has the culprit.
  12. Found a bug/incompatibility. I don't have time today to do a fresh install and work out the exact issue (have to head into work pretty soon), however it's specifically an error in the VAB editor when you spawn the 1st stage in, and you have Nertea's Cryogenic Engines mod and/or reDIRECT (both with case a fatal error). The fatal error dialog that pops up is with B9PartSwitcher, and apparently something is causing both an LF/O AND LH2/O tank to simultaneously be present in the part. Again, will update tomorrow when I have a chance to do a clean install and narrow down the cause, but wanted to make sure I said something.
  13. I have a question regarding new weapons. Would it be possible to add in the quad 40mm Bofors AA mounts used on USN vessels during WWII? Linking example images NOTE: Images taken in-game from World of Warships, made by Wargaming. 40mm Bofors MK2: 40mm Bofors MK2 (Shielded):
  14. May be stupid question, but is anyone else having issues placing missile(s) inside of the VLS hulls for the sub? I cannot seem to get anything to attach to the actual VLS node, am I just missing something? EDIT: Still literally cannot get any missile to actually click to the node I want it to, pretty much have to give up on VLS subs until I figure out what I'm doing wrong. EDIT 2: ...probably should have considered using ALT to place...
  15. I have a question: I am currently attempting to mimic the refinery set up as illustrated in the first picture (the craft with the four Refineries jutting out and away from the base). I cannot get the radial attachment points to "go green", and I have tried the micro docking ports without success. The attachment point at the bottom of the Refinery works, however. Anyone know why? Appreciate any help on the matter.
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