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Everything posted by Lundmunchkins

  1. I prevent your parents from ever meeting and construct a house on whatever's left of the hill. My house on whatever's left of the hill.
  2. One day back in October of 2012, I was watching some videos on Youtube out of boredom, and while watching , I stumbled across a comment that said "You should rename this video "My First Hours in Kerbal Space Program". I had no idea what the heck this "Kerbal" stuff was, so I did some research on the almighty Google, and came across KurtJMac's North Pole Exploration video. I was hooked. At the time of my aquishision of KSP, I was a really bad Orbiter player, so I was excited for a game like this. After playing the demo for like, 11 minutes, I quickly used my report card money and bought the game. After getting the game all I knew was "go up to go to space", so after a little research and some Scott Manley, by the time 0.18 was out I had the hang of orbiting and could construct decent spacecraft too. After being baffled by the new parts and planets in 0.18, I finally constructed a probe and on December 10th, 2012, landed on the Mun. That feeling of finally doing it still lingers inside me whenever I land. After reaching the Mun, I decided to travel to the planet I found most interesting: Jool. I constructed a spacecraft and after a LOT of trials and tribulations, I reached Jool on December 21st, 2012. That was a major accomplishment, because soon I was sending probes to every planet, and soon, by 0.19, Kerbals too. After 0.19 came out I constructed my first true space stations. I also got the hang of docking, and that was probably the most important thing I ever learned in this game (other than orbital mechanics itself). I soon built my first Space Station, "Astro One", and soon my first kerbed Duna Mission, "Ares". By 0.20, I had fully traversed the community of KSP. I got a Reddit account in September due to me not being able to get a KSP forums account for some reason, and for the first time actually got to talk with other KSPers about the game. But after the second Great Forum-Splotion in October (I think) I finally was able to get a KSP forums account. And now I'm here, typing away on my keyboard about my experience with this game. Since I was like, 12, when I first got this game, I heartily think that this game has shaped the last portion of my childhood. This game also got me into other games, shows, and internet cultures. In fact, after I bought this game, I was more accepting of people and their likings, which led me on the track to discover Doctor Who, Nostalgia Critic, Minecraft, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which today is my all-time favorite show. Seriously, this game has introduced me to the internet, it's culture, and so much more, and when I look back, I'm ever so happy that I watched that video back in October of 2012. Thank you SQUAD, thank you for this wonderful game, and opening my eyes to the internet and the world.
  3. When you can't focus on a test because the picture of a rocket on it's design should have low TWR and Delta V
  4. You really need to get better at riding a bike.
  5. 9.5/10 Good but, ribbons are kinda overused.
  6. 9/10 Cool, but.... ribbons.
  7. Granted. You never wake up. I wish for Doctor Who series 8.
  8. Here he comes to review (destroy) your movie!
  9. (If you don't get it it's Malachite from Suburban Knights. He hates technology)
  10. The whole "America and Russia trying to get to a lost spacecraft to find out what happened" reminds me of this.
  11. 5/10 No offence but those ribbons are overused.
  12. I never liked Pokemon The user below me is human
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