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Everything posted by Roderik

  1. number 18 is almost me. no not that my system can't run it but 3 more years to go and my system is 10 years old
  2. i'm glad i watched it! now i know i can make smaller rockets with more delta-v instead of one huge rocket just to get a lot of delta-v
  3. don't forget the new ui wich will also provide a bit more performance! the ui tool was released in unit 4.6
  4. planetshine, collisionfx, active texture management, hotrockets, and chatterer. edit: just found out i had an old program wich starts up whenever i log in wich sucks resources! so i disabled it en deleted the program. now i hope i won't crash.
  5. this won't work my mac's hardware doesn't support ppfx but i still crash due to the memory leak.
  6. no kerbals don't breath oxygen because it's kinda obvious they breath koxygen
  7. where is the link for all the craft files in one? sorrry i'm lazy btw replying on your post obove mine there is a mod called procedural fairings. you could use that until 1.0 is out. aaand i miss apollo.....
  8. nothing to do with this thread but i salute the old ksp parts that where removed or redesigned especially the mk1 command pod
  9. if there wasn't a replacement for them then probably not because only flying rockets is boring
  10. i made the top of my ship big so the the rocket only would be pointy when i flipped it so i did and launched it and then i realised how stupid i was......
  11. not working on my mac. i have module manager 2.5.9 and 2.5.10 do i need to install another module manager? i just copied coolrockets to my gamedata
  12. i immediately saw the engines on the side of the ship to turn it XD edit: it's still a "wow" worth tough
  13. so with the new aerodynamics we have to streamline our rockets and make them pointy so i am practicing with it and i'm asking if this is right? i'm not serious of course
  14. i remember ksp 0.19 and me and my friend playd and we where just ....ing around and i think the mainsail was then still OP
  15. how do i use this on mac? i opened it with wine and i'm not sure if that's the way to use the application
  16. like i said the probe needs solar panels to get electricity (engines also provide electricity but only when running).
  17. you need electricity for a probe because it is not being controlled by a kerbal so you need to add solar panels to it. but your prob is useless anyways from now on so you can just chang the design and relaunch it
  18. i'm already in a corner because my computer is in a corner. i think i started an argument but i totally don't care because debate is one of the reasons for a forum:) - - - Updated - - - an appstore? great idea! players can easily install mods while in game. having to pay for mods no way! i btw regret that i came up with the idea of a community mods DLC but i would pay an extra 10 dollars or euro's or pounds to have a story mode in ksp (not career mode)
  19. it doesn't hav to be more planets but you should think of something like more parts and a story and more solar systems.
  20. i installed the procedural fairings mod to get fairings into my standard rocket building system
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