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Everything posted by Souper

  1. Well, let's change it around. Let's make it so that the two copies of people and rooms are exactly the same down to the planck-scale, and there is no outside interference. The whole point of this thread is to see if an exact duplicate of your destroyed-and-repaired body will be you instead of a clone, and to see if we could bring people back to life that way.
  2. There are 2 rooms, and they are identical down to the atomic scale. You (yes, the reader of this very thread) suddenly wake up in one of the rooms with no recollection of how you got here. You were also copied, your "clone", identical to the atomic scale, awaking in the exact same way and position as "you". If i am correct, the two of "you" will behave exactly the same way up until one of the endings. Therefore, you will effectively be 2 people at once. Ending #1 You look around the empty, padded room, wondering what it is and how you got there, when, all of a sudden, one of the rooms are destroyed. According to the results of Schrodinger's Cat, "you" will always be the one who was not in the destroyed room, and thus, survived. Ending #2 A door opens up from the rooms. The two of you walk out, notice eatchother, and due to slight variances with the outside world, begin behaving differently. The perfect syncronization is broken, and the two of you are no longer 2 people at once. If you die, it will be YOU.
  3. http://imgur.com/gallery/Y4pRM/new There. I have cured my "can't count to 3" syndrome!
  4. Do you know of H.P Lovecraft? I didn't, but before i even found out who he was, i had already known about Cthulhu and his wonderful darkness. That's a testament, i think, to how successful he is now, and how utterly insignificant he was at the time of his death. A very, very interesting man indeed, HPL is the godfather of cosmic horror and undoubtedly go down in history as such. This thread is dedicated to the discussion of both him and his work, and our experiences with them. The first piece of his work i read was this. A bit underwhelming, but kinda scary nonetheless. I especially like how he writes insane, arbitrary thoughts in a way that lets me actually comprehend it.
  5. Nah. also, i JUST SO HAPPENED to drop by here. Dman doesn't want to come here! Dman, why don't you want to?
  6. Were' getting 502 Bad Gateway errors, stuff's going down.
  7. 9 - - - - Updated - - - 8. - - - - Updated - - - 7 - - - - Updated - - - 6..................... - - - Updated - - - 5- you know what? Skip the countdown. - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - THE HYPEROCKET IS AWAY!
  8. The HypeTrain is outdated. Yes. With random Pokemon characters included.
  9. He went back in time, created the universe, became extremely powerful, and later on, he sent 3 wise men to witness his son's birth in Bethlehem.
  10. 0/100 I like FNAF. Tokyo was atom-bombed during WWII = Japan was wiped out entirely = Korea took the rest of it over = When Korea split, North Korea got most of the land Japan had = Much more military prowess = DPRK takes everything over Pro: None. Con: Millions more people were killed, all the tech. advancements Japan made since WWII weren't made, Anime / Manga doesn't exist, and North Korea runs the world.
  11. -100 / 100 Let's not take it there, please. That will kill this game. The next poster dies in an extremely horrific and horrible way 3 minutes prior to making their post = They never made their post. Pro: None. Con: You're dead.
  12. 0/100 No KSP, no envy. Soviet union beat U.S to moon =Soviet union incredibly famous = U.S demoralized = No NASA = America put it's funding to military = America takes over entire world with massive army = Capitalism & freedom everywhere Pros: Everyone is free, world is awesome Cons: Corrupt government, commies were first to the moon, technology developed late, and KSP never had time to be created.
  13. 100 / 100 Best reality ever. Meteorite never killed dinosaurs = Earth's flora and fauna developed much differently = Atmosphere is 25% nitrogen, 75% oxygen = Lizard men evolve, create civilisation = They are much more mentally stable then us = They easily create utopian civilisation with no problems whatsoever. Pros: Utopia! Better technology! Everyone's nice! Cons: Humanity doesn't exist, neither does its history or KSP.
  14. This is a game in which you change 1 event in history, describe the entire order of events that occurs due to that change (domino effect), and come up with the pros and cons of living in that alternate universe. Then, the next poster rates on a scale of 0 - 100 how much they would like it in that universe. Example#1: Player #1: Adolf Hitler became a very successful painter = Went down in history as extremely skilled painter = Never went into politics = WWII as we know it never happened = Soviet union started it's reign of tension against the U.S early = Massive, even larger war occurs = WWII happens after all = World is devastated, america is defeated = Soviet union takes over world. Pro: All the work gives you enormous muscles. Con: Communism. Player #2: 0 / 100, I hate communism! I will begin. Apophis hit Earth = Earth is devistated = 99.98% of all life is wiped out = humanity lives in bunkers, while the surface is a dark, black-fogged wasteland of radiation and ash = KSP never existed Pro: Kind of like Fallout! Con: No KSP.
  15. We already know what hyper-realistic humans look like from real life. We wanna see KSP-style humans! Besides, making a next-gen model would be a crapshoot since the community would slam you almost immediately for breaking the whole (leave-your-imagination-to-fill-in-the-blanks) element. That's what makes KSP so great! - - - Updated - - - Wait, i have an idea! What if you make the stockalike human model for the actual mod, then made a MOD for that mod which adds the realistic human model?
  16. By the way, not sure if you all are also thinking this, but i was imagining the human models would be made in the same style as the kerbal models. No skin textures (just a single color), not all facial features, etc. - - - Updated - - - By the way, my modding skills are next to nonexistent, so if you want this to be made, i can't do it...But i'm sure you guys can!
  17. Well.....we can make a mod with the name HUMAN SPACE PROGRAM. Maybe even edit the title screen to say that too! - - - Updated - - - OH GOD. KILL IT. KILL WITH FIRE!
  18. And maybe when those humans-in-place-of-kerbals hits the ground at high speed, instead of turning into a puff of smoke they turn into a puff of red-colored smoke? And as for keeping them stupid, well,.....Humans from other universes don't have to be exactly like the ones from ours, do they? Kind of like it's a cartoon.
  19. I got this wicked idea, what if we made the Kerbals Humans? Not just change the color of their skin to beige, but replace their models into that of a human being. Along with that, change around the name generator to create human-sounding names and non-fixed surnames. As for their behavior, well...to maintain the feel of KSP, don't give them actual human intelligence. Keep e'm goofy.
  20. Good news! I've set a goal to learn how to model parts in Blender, which would make this mod absolutely terrific. However, my school testing day is tomorrow, so i will be not working on my mod for a whole day.
  21. That rocket was not 100% stock. And i've no idea on how to put an Imgur album on these forums. And the parts, since i can't model them, look the same as stock, just re-sized and changed a bit.
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