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Everything posted by Souper

  1. -76 I still have hope that the positives can turn everything around.
  2. -33. Oh fie, i couldn't understand that, didst thou say negative or positive? Because i'm all for the latter, and if thou preferest the prior, sir, then one of thus' jimmies shalt surely be rustled before sunset!
  3. -34 You said it! Fight backtowards the positives!
  4. -4 We were SAYING, negatives are lame. Are you really that hard on hearing?
  5. I couldn't understand that, so it doesn't count. -9.
  6. -9 Souper has been redeemed Stop the negative advance!
  7. 2 Souper became evil and defected to the Negative side. Negatives rule!
  8. Just wondering, is it possible for a man / woman in the USA (Any state where possible) to marry a planet or other celestial body? Would be weird. Technically, celestial bodies are objects and there have been cases where marriage between humans and objects have occured. So..... I now pronounce you Homo sapiens sapiens, and main-sequence star. *Human blows kiss into night sky at HIP 85605*
  9. I don't have one. This challege isn't to see who can actually win, but to see who will try.
  10. http://store.steampowered.com/app/343090 Can you believe this? He totally stole SQUAD's idea!
  11. The results are in! Death Engineering wins the manned race at 8y 393d! -------------------------------------------------------------- Foxster wins the unmanned race at an insane 97d! Any higher than these and i'l update it.
  12. This is gonna be huge. Rules: Orbit and land on every celestial body in the Kerbol system with one ship, then crash your ship into Kerbol. Lowest MET wins. Dosen't matter whether or not you are manned. No K-Drive, no cheating, no opening the cheats menu. No mods at all. I'm being brutal about this, not even aesthetics! Must be 1 single launch. Now, to wait and see how long it takes for somebody to do this... If you win, you get to put this in your signature!:
  13. Lifestream? A river that gives you immortality? I must find it!
  14. Known for being mentioned in the rules of this thread. vexx32
  15. I'm bellow high school, 8th grade. Although i hardly earned it... More deserving of 3-4th grade, I've been slacking harder than neutronium lately.
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