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Everything posted by Souper

  1. What's this?! Having more posts than me? CHEATER! Real players only have less that 500 posts! - - - Updated - - - Whoops...
  2. The ability to run at inane speeds without stopping ever!
  3. Banned because i was the very person who snitched to the moderators and got it locked! Muahahahahaha!
  4. Banned for launching a nuclear missile. We've seen your secret WMDs!
  5. *Supreme Commander Souper steps in and enters the Astral Plane*
  6. Well, who cares, if you want to have fun, you need to throw away your logic. As i would like to cite: THE LAWS OF PHYSICS 1. Anything fun costs at least $8. 2. Anything too logical and realistic kills fun and awsomeness. 3. Canada is cold.
  7. Oh get #rekt m8, nobody really likes "realism" anyway.
  8. [i'm sorry? I don't understand. My advanced technology destroyed your mothership, it makes perfect sense! An extremely advanced army is obviously OP.]
  9. ( á° Üʖ á°) The mothership got wiped out, the Krynn don't stand a chance anymore, yet you still clench a slim chance of continuing your crusade. How idiotic and desperate, indeed.
  10. *Advanced Fleet arrives and rends the Mothership to peices instantly, Sampa and Xannari float in space, exposed*
  11. Nuax....Reversed it is Xaun. Sound familiar? Guys, she IS still in there somewhere!
  12. The tech is complete. A massive, 150 thousand strong army of unimaginably advanced warships now begins its long, winding journey to the Krynn mothership.
  13. I am now in total control over the SGW! Yes! Development on the technology we need to obliterate them is now underway!
  14. Are you guys armed with KODs? Please god tell me you have them!
  15. The Venusian Empire deploys its KODs and sheild disruptors on a large military system of the Krynn, obliterating it totally and preventing any future Krynn development on it. They are no longer capable of waging large-scale war!
  16. [That move will be another 5 posts until total colonization of the Sloan Great Wall is completed, and an indeterminate time until the tech becomes available. Stop us right now or face certain obliteration.]
  17. The Venusian empire expands into the Sloan Great Wall, claiming every single galaxy in it for itself and becoming a superpower. It begins development on extremely advanced (bleeding-edge) technology that would totally crush the Krynn is used.
  18. The Venusian Empire begins amassing huge amounts of shield disruptors and KODs, preparing to augment Laythe Dweller's forces.
  19. The KOD was deployed on Regenixia-14 b, a Krynn colony, and proved to work just as advertiesed: Long tendrils of nanobots form a web-like expansion into the planet's underground, picking off Krynn buildings and units like Grey Goo. Regenixia-14 b is now under our control, and holds vast amounts of metal ore.
  20. The Venusian empire expands and seizes control of the Orion's Arm. They then take over the Magellanic Clouds and establish an economy and army. They begin development on the KOD, a super-weapon capable of decimating the Krynn with extreme effectiveness.
  21. Very well. The Venusian Empire joins the UWotU and unveils the Vacuum Metastability Bomb, a super-weapon dedicated to ending an entire universe.
  22. Ok, just to make this clear, it got reverted to when the venusian empire formed, ok? No inane speedy development of ships. The Venusian empire creates the Galactic Alliance, and invites anyone who opposes the Krynn into it.
  23. Nope, i restarted it to revert to when it formed. You got ninja'd. The Venusian Empire secretly begins development on a device known as the VMB.
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