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Everything posted by Souper

  1. I'm not absolutely new to modding, but i still have some very large issues with modding it. First off, i have no idea what i'll need. Questions: How to blender? How to texture? How to program because i have no experience beyond tinkering with part descriptions? Things i can use: Blender Pixlr for textures (plan on making a cartoony mod) Typing stuff into part descriptions TL:DR, how to mod?
  2. I'mnot sure where to put this since i didn't see a forum or sub-forum suitable for writing. Oh well. I wonder if we attempted to vividly describe a world (and story) made entirely out of H.R giger's nightmarish art. (Rest in peace, my god of horror. If only you and HP Lovecraft could have seen eatchother...) In the distant future, Humanity's technology becomes more and more integrated into biology to the point that structures were built out of masses of pipe-like tunnels of flesh and plastic wires. Mankind had overpopulated so much that the world became a desperate hellscape of starvation, violence and despair. Bodies filled the cold, grey landscape, which were collected and fed to construction machines to be turned into cities of dead tissue. Healthy humans, as seen today, are so rare and valuable that the disgusting, parasite creatures that slither and bounce off of round cages of bone and exposed marrow, made slippery by the grey blood of the bio-pipes dripping down on them would immediately impale and kill them to assimilate their high-quality components. Before these twisted times, a single male Human froze himself for a time long forgotten. He awakens to this anti-paradise and now seeks to put and end to the hideous creature that controls the biomechanical world so that thing may get back on track. Armed only with a Glock .45 pistol, he sets out on a long trek through a desert of nightmares. Now the fun part: You get to add to the story!
  3. Do i go at full thrust and turn sharply once in an altitude where the drag won't really matter? Do i go slow, turn gradually until sideways? Or do i shoot straight up and circularize once out of atmosphere?
  4. Shrek is love, shrek is life.

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  5. 1 meter is space. 1 m/s is speed. 1 m/s2 is acceleration. Then what is 1m/s3? Your acceleration accelerates. And is 1m/s4 a thing?
  6. Souper


    So apparently there's this 2D physics sandbox game that claims you can make anything from games, spaceships, giant robots, and even a 2D version of KSP if you have enough programming skills. Personally, I've been playing Algodoo for a while now and i find it extremely fun. I'm thinking on learning Thyme so i can make my contraptions better and hopefully build a computer (if it's possible) in it, using Thyme. It's amazing, go check it out!
  7. Which is the best reactor fuel? (Taking into account startup cost, operational costs, output and environmental friendliness. My money's on He3. It would not only be more ecofriendly but it would also explore more of the moon than we ever had before.
  8. https://web.archive.org/web/20151126034506/http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71013-KIP-Inc?highlight=KIP My post emerges from the Vault!
  9. [video=youtube;wMKpYxhI2KI]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMKpYxhI2KI[/video] [video=youtube;EWPFmdAWRZ0]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWPFmdAWRZ0[/video] These videos really open my eyes on what Humanity is and what it needs to be. Honestly, i expect Humanity to get kinder and wiser the more technology rolled along, but now we're on the brink of complete self-annihilation. I don't want to live in that kind of world.
  10. [url]http://www.terravivos.com/[/url] Apparently, a company named Vivos is making actual Vaults for rich families. I'm just wondering, is it a scam? And how would it actually work?
  11. I made the Kerbol Express series back in my pioneering heydey's. They were [I]extremely[/I] nooby rockets, because back then i had no understanding that fuel had weight. I had a lot of heavy stages that i estimate had only around 200 m/s of DV, and i even didn't know what symmetry was (meaning i had to put it together part-by-part!). It was some jumbo-64's below an asparagus-staged cluster of FL-T800's and some Reliants, both below [B][I]another[/I][/B] cluster of FL-T800's and Reliants. I think it was back in the [B]demo[/B], and up until the 0.19's or 0.20's. I'm making plans for the Kerbol Express to make a huge comeback, but i'm not supposed to blab that part just yet.
  12. Uhh, if my account is sent to oblivion, is it against the rules to make a new one in that case?
  13. Uhhh.....Just because i spend all my time browsing the forum games, science labs or developement threads, what DID Maxmaps do? I've been playing since 0.19 i think, so can anybody give me a quick recap?
  14. I manage to get inside Vault 85. The next poster awakes from cryonic storage 200 years later and leaves Vault 111, then immediately is left with an army of spawncamping radroaches outside the entrance.
  15. Hey, that's exactly what happened! The clouds were in a "GET REKT M80" position! - - - Updated - - - What's Solaris?
  16. This is gonna sound weird, but one day when i was floating in high Kerbin space, i decided to begin insulting Kerbin. But suddenly, when i was caught up with my own slander, Kerbin pulled me in and killed me with reentry heating! As if it understood me. What could this mean? And if Kerbin is proven sentient, can it be taken to court for murder?
  17. Nope! This whole thread is completely pointless, a place for mindlessness to thrive!
  18. Oh no! The HypeTrain is running out of HypeFuel! Venus Man, where are you? Wait, what is that up in the sky? Is it a bird, is it a plane? Is it a cloud of sulfur heated to 900F? Is it...oh wait it is a cloud of sulfur heated to 900F! Venus Man comes to the rescue! With his magical Venusian-based powers, he feeds molten sulfur and rotten egg air of death directly into the engine, not only supercharging the train but making the passengers choke! THE DAY IS SAVED!
  19. How do i get an apple to turn into Radon?
  20. Typing "Happy Kerboween!" with eyes closed. Happy Berboween!
  21. One of my favorite franchises of all time. Valve really nailed the music in for me too, really adds to the atmosphere and energy of the FPS. I can't say it's the best soundtrack of all time, but it's definitely not like it's from
  22. The theory goes like this: Kerbals do eventually conquer space, and become the kings of the Kerbol system. But then a rouge [insert hazardous celestial object] comes in and they build an Ark housing tens of thousands of Kerbals and send it interstellar, across the galaxy, finding Earth, colonizing it and evolving into Humans. After a while, Humans build an ark ship right before they nuke themselves / get hit by asteroids to death, send it across a wormhole and arrive at Kerbin before Kerbals evolved. Explaining why you can find UFO's in KSP. Those are Human ships you're finding! There IS such a thing as Tall Beige Men riding around in disk-shaped craft!
  23. What are the ups and downs? I understand Thorium has less potential for weaponization, has all this availibility and environmental friendliness, but what about the money and the construction? Should America invest in it's startup? In my opinion, definitely yes, it would be an amazing source of energy.
  24. 0/10 I like normal culture better. Nuclear war in 2026 = Earth devastated, 86% of world population wiped out = Mankind flees to underground fallout shelters = 100 years later, they emerge too early and become irradiated mutants = They go insane and kill eatchother over differences = Factions and settlements = Politics = War = Perpetual war Pro's: None Con's: Earth is a living nightmare, everyone you know dies, suffering & pain everywhere you look, no hope at all ever.
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