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Everything posted by Souper

  1. Way smaller than 10 to power of 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
  2. 10 to power of 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 EDIT: D'OH! My large number program is losing its balance! MORE NUMBERS!
  3. Here's the rules: You must define a number bigger than the last number the last person posted in only 100 characters or less, using either normal numbers or algebra. You can use infinity, not that that's the highest you can go anyway. You may not use repetitive "where _ is _". You can only do that 3 times.. Let the insanity begin. 1.
  4. Remember when you had to go to a place called spaceport to download mods? Pepperidge Farm remembers... Do you?
  5. Not like both left and right power direction computers, these power things are controlled by a few power numbers and not only two. Power goes through half-powered stuff with one end giving power and one end taking power. By giving a not forward power direction to a go-in yes or no deciding thing, the half-powered stuff is stopped so that power is less or even not there anymore. It is usually powered when there can't be any possible change between its yes or no deciding thing and its power giving stuff. If there can really be a change of the good left and right thing and its yes or no deciding thing and its power making thing then the thing will not let as much power go through it and less power will go through the half-power thing. This is why these things are sometimes called not-power-anymore-things. A potential possibility of the singularity is that AI can become resentful of humankind, which could mean they could attempt to exterminate all humans, or even all life.
  6. I block them with Captain america's shield. I shoot the next poster in the head with a kilometer-tall death machine that shoots 30x10x10 meter osmium rounds at 200 km/s. BOOM!
  7. Remember when you went up to 20km and then instantly turned 45 degrees west? Pepperidge Farm remembers... Do you?
  8. I just sent Jeb to Duna orbit and returned him. Would it surprise you to know that's a big thing for me? I didn't play KSP nearly as often as i did back when i started playing it, and my progress had stagnated massively. I never play anything other than career mode now and i usually quit after i landed on the Mun. But it seems that time is over! I'm gonna push forward!
  9. Then why are so many KSP-related things discussed about in the lounge?
  10. I'm making a template for measuring how far your career save has gotten. Here it is: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date in kerbin time: Y1.D1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tech tier (Starting tech is tier 0): 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last milestone - LAUNCHED FIRST CRAFT <--- ENTERED ORBIT ORBITED MUN / MINMUS LANDED ON MUN / MINMUS BUILT SPACE STATION WITH MASS GREATER THAN 30T ACHIEVED INTERPLANETARY TRAVEL ACHIEVED MANNED INTERPLANETARY TRAVEL, RETURNED HOME INTERPLANETARY SPACE STATION INTERPLANETARY BASE INTERSTELLAR ARK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reputation: 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funds: 25,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's mine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date in kerbin time: Y4.D~350 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tech tier (Starting tech is tier 0): 5.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last milestone - LAUNCHED FIRST CRAFT ENTERED ORBIT ORBITED MUN / MINMUS LANDED ON MUN / MINMUS BUILT SPACE STATION WITH MASS GREATER THAN 30T ACHIEVED INTERPLANETARY TRAVEL ACHIEVED MANNED INTERPLANETARY TRAVEL, RETURNED HOME <------------------------------------------------------ INTERPLANETARY SPACE STATION INTERPLANETARY BASE INTERSTELLAR ARK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reputation: ~60 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funds: ~350,000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Bumping because this needs to be done holy christ. I'll see if i can do it if i get the time.
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