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Everything posted by Souper

  1. Let's vote and see who you guys think shot first!
  2. ...Just realized i was reading General KSP discussion and not Space lounge. Mods, can ya help me out here?
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, I have uncovered a conspiracy that transcends the bonds of mortal matter and uncovered that Green Iron Crown will one day return. The prophecy states that there will be a war, and the victor will reign over The Forum for all time. The war has apparently come now, the sides are amassing their armies faster than ever before. We must fight now!
  4. This thread is dead. Scratch that, it was stillborn.
  5. Hey guys!~ Let's roleplay! *Souper walks into the office building and starts chatting with other people*
  6. :hailhuman: Make way for the greatest exotic species of fur-less sentient psychotic ape species IN THE UNIVERSE!
  7. While i'm sure this question has already been asked, mentioned, and generally neglected for a while now, I've come to wonder, are Jebediah, Bob, Bill, and Valentina Kerman related? SQUAD, if you come across this thread and come with a spare moment, can you give us an answer? Or, better yet, their backstories? We would really like to see a backstory. I think that for too long have we just looked upon Jeb and his companions and just been... impersonal. I mean, they aren't real people, but for immersion and character's sake...
  8. Follow the MLG!

  9. Souper

    The human!

    :hailhuman: They were the first ones to explore the Mariana Trench!
  10. Souper

    The human!

    :hailhuman: Glory to the Progenitors! We owe to them the creation of pretty much everything that's cool!
  11. Souper

    The human!

    :hailhuman: They invented ice cream!
  12. Souper

    The human!

    :hailhuman: Probes are lame. Humans are badasses.
  13. Souper

    The human!

    Glory in the highest to those wonderful beige-pink skinned spacefarers! The originals, the builders! They RETURN! :hailhuman:
  14. Souper

    The Probe!

    No! You've all got it wrong! :deathtotheprobe: :hailhuman: The Humans shall return to Kerbin! They bring gifts of science and understanding!
  15. Oh, i was just thinking that. Humans have a drive to explore that can't be ignored, and they reproduce. But then again, humans are made of weak, yielding flesh.
  16. Foxster wins. also, incredibly late post.
  17. I've been having a massive interest in those things for a while now. Such self-reproduction could make possible what we thought forever to be absolutely impossible. We once thought that exploring all of space was absolutely, un-doable until Mr. Neumann came along and brought forth this proposal, and i have many, many things to discuss about them indeed. When will lil' old Humanity start building these things? What are the ups and downs, possibility of extinction or EXTREMELY rapid expansion? What if they evolve? What if a Von Neumann probe replicates a sentient iteration? What would that sentient individual probe do? Would it make a civilization? Would it / they try to locate its creators? Personally, i think in SpaceEngine, a Von Neumann probe that gained sentience is what you are, and the civilisation that built you is either gone, extinct or has passed beyond the bounds of time and space itself.
  18. Yes. (A soviet Union Venera probe) The user bellow me has seen Jupiter through a telescope in real life, and will place an image of it on their post bellow.
  19. Posted by Anonymous (id3243425546) >be me >see _Agustus_ ban me >ban him >spaghetti explodes out of his pockets, he bursts into treats and Shrek comes and obliterates him with an onionade >drop on the floor >everybody do the dinosaur
  20. Banned just because i felt like seeing someone suffer the unimaginable cruelty of banishment. Muahahahaha!
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