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Everything posted by Souper

  1. 258: Venusians return inexplicably, and kill all Giant Annas, but for some reason leave Earth immediately after, apparently retreating to Venus.
  2. 251.00000000001: The Venusian's pressure suit ruptures as his sulfuric acid blood spews everywhere killing the Kats. 252: In the Venusian's secret cloning lab that the kerbals didn't find, the Venusian's egg hatches. 253: The Venusian's next of kin dons a pressure suit and ventures out, making a resturant that sells Venusian food. It is made out of sulfur-and-silicone based lifeforms that poison anything that lives on Kerbin.
  3. 250: After a long period of doing absolutely nothing, the Kats are recreated wthout explosions by the Venusian engineer, the very same who made the higgs drive. 250.0000000000001: The Venusian, who is extremely intelligent, outsmarts the Kats and sends them to the Minekraft universe, forever.
  4. 231: The last Venusian, who never liked his species's decision to invade innocent planets, becomes a famous scientist. He invents the Higgs drive, which manipulates gravity in order to produce practically unlimited Delta-V.
  5. 218: The Venusians, from the Sol system, invade the Kerbol system. They completely take over the Joolian system of moons, and Eve's land area. They send a fleet of warships over to Kerbin and Duna in order to assimilate all the intelligent life there.
  6. Being a corrupted conglomerate company owner? XAAAX! Ã’ÑÂõü ø÷òõÑÂтýþ, чтþ úþüüуýø÷ü ýõ ÑÂтþÑÂÑ‚ÑŒ ÑÂþñÑÂтòõý ýþÑÂтø úþüÿðýøø, òы üþшõýýøú!
  7. Having a light-green rep bar? CHEATING! Real players always troll alot, so that they can never get any rep bars at all!
  8. Thinking that Impact could possibly be a BAD font? GODMODDER! Real players always use Impact, for it is the best thing since Comic sans.
  9. MENTIONING VALVE?!?!?! CHEATER! You should be ASHAMED for doing such an immoral thing, i literally screamed when i read those words!
  10. Liking Mud? CHEATER! Go away, Sun, now, and stop being a different person RIGHT NOW!
  11. Having 2 green bars? CHEATER! Everybody always has 3, you nimrod!
  12. Banned for having 300+ posts. - - - Updated - - - Whoops.......
  13. Must i mention once more that martian's don't USE blood? They "recharge" themselves by standing near a radiation source and absorbing it into their entire body's volume. They only need to do this once every day. (The're battery sponges.)
  14. Being the leader of the Flaron empire....CHEATING I SAY! Real players are always a member of anonymous.
  15. Being able to spell the word Haxor? Cheater! Everyone knows that i, and everyone else, is unable to pronounce or even type the word Haxor.
  16. Not keeping this thread bumped? HAX!!!11!!!!! Real players always let us know when somebody's cheating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111111113235tIlKL/OP{"PI;UlUIlUIk^&%UjLI9ui:Lo:0p"{90{5Tw4R13244444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
  17. Souper


    "In the blight of knowledge yet to be known, what does your life actually matter?" - Europa Report
  18. Souper


    10/10 goes well with your username. "It needs more Venus."
  19. This mud is still wet. I'll just wait for it do dry, that's the only time i like mud.
  20. It's gonna take a whole 5 minutes to get all this mud off!
  21. Meanwhile, in the KSC meeting room... Wernher sat on his computer, looking up the average prive of an Alcubierre drive - it costs over 1,000,000,000 (1 BILLION) Roots. Wernher: Bad news everybody, we'll need 1 billion roots to get our drive. Dinklestein: OH COME ON! Why is it that every time we do something frivolous, something else keeps us from our goal? Wernher: Because, Dinklestein, we are nearing the end of our waiting. I have a plan for this; we'll send Gene into politics. Gene: Politics? sounds like my kind of ball, can't wait to see how many over-privileged idiots i will deal with. Wernher: Yes, while most every single person in politics right now is a complete imbecile, i'm fairly certain you'll be able to wheel and deal your way to 1,000,000,000 in no time. Gene stood there, shocked. A moment of silence filled the room. Gene: 1 BILLION ROOTS? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? Wernher: Oh don't worry, if we can get government funding, we might even get over a trillion. Gene: Yea, you could. but how do you expect to get the Government to even acknowledge us? Wernher: Oh it's simple, we'll just create a political party that promotes space exploration, tell them what we want, and then let the money start flowing. Gene: And how do we do THA- Gene remembered his own skills. Gene: Oh. Wernher: Exactly. Dinklestein and Eumon walked back into the room, notepads in hand each. Gene: Good noon, everyone. I'm going into politics. May SQUAD have mercy on my soul. Eumon: Oh, great, POLITICS. Boring old POLITICS. What would we need it for? Gene: To get 1 billion roots for an Alcubierre drive. Eumon almost had a heart attack. Gene: ...Ok...Well, in the meantime, this meeting is over. I'm getting some snacks and coffee. Wernher: Me too. And afterwords, we'll schedule a phone call with the president. Ask him for a meeting. When we tell him what we want, he'll be sure to give it to us. Wernher, Gene, Dinklestein and Eumon got into a car after a phone call with the president went surprisingly well. On their way to the Green House, they encountered police escorts that ensured nobody would try to sabotage their work. Wernher: here we are, boys. The green house! MUAHAHAHAHA! Gene: ... Are you sure that needed an evil laugh? Wernher: Well, not really, i'm just so excited! The group arrive at the Greenhouses' large Despium-alloy door, marveling at the sheer size of it. When they went inside, they saw a large interior filled to the brim with busy people in suits and ties on their cellphones. Most, if not all, of those busy people were also munching on their Big Maks they got from Burger Cing. Eumon: Oh dear SQUAD, look at all this obesity. It's going to be a nightmare wading through the fat people. Wernher:...Or we can just use that railway car. Dinklestein: They HAVE those? Awsome! After 5 long minutes of slow railway car travel, they finally arrive at the president's office. Dinklestein: That. Was. Hell. Wernher: Hello, Mr. President! Were' here to discuss our intent to re-start the KSP, and what we want to do it for! President Sherman Kerman: Ah, yes, that. Well, I've already arranged to restart the KSP, and with a small piece of paper already written out here on my desk, i can give you a space program easily. The only word i need from you is what you intend to do with the space program after i give it to you. Wernher: We intend to send a manned mission to Kroxima Kentauri using an Alcubierre drive. President Sherman stared in shock. President Sherman Kerman: WHY!!! And with that, Sherman was unconscious. Soon afterword, Secret Service agents rushed into the room and injected Sherman with an unknown substance. moments later, Sherman got back up, and the agents rushed out of the room. President Sherman Kerman: Before you ask, i'm fine. On with the discussion, a manned interstellar mission to another star? Are you insane? Wernher: No. Were' capable, and willing. President Sherman Kerman: Well, who's the crew? Wernher:...Us. Were' the only ones going. After a long pause, Sherman approved to paperwork and sint it into an air suction tube. moments later, it came back with a small silver card, which he handed over to Wernher. President Sherman Kerman: This is the KSP. Go to the card activation scanner, and the KSP will be created in a few legal documents, the cloud, and even in a few space center inspectors that will arrive in no less that 3 minutes. On top of that, you're getting 3 trillion roots and a functional Alcubierre drive. Wernher: ...Very well. You just made my life today. TO BE CONTINUED.
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