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Everything posted by Souper

  1. I'm looking at a post to my right. It describes a probe of some kind.
  2. That's it, o'm getting out now on my own! *attempts reckless mud escape*
  3. Yeah, like, 24 hours away from now. (/\ carbon nanotube)
  4. And when it sinks back down, i will laugh only harder.
  5. You're not stuck in mud.... ...you're stuck on Venus.
  6. Souper


    Rubik's cube? Simon?
  7. Souper


    A meteorite? A bald eagle?
  8. Uhh, ZetaX, i do believe i watched a science documentary somewhere and discovered someone did a quantum experiment, where energy rapidly pulsed back and forth instead of doing the normal linear thing. I can't remember what exactly it was, but i do think it was proof that other universes exist. and besides, there's not really any solid evidence other universes don't exist, and a little things hinting toward their existence. In the end it really points toward two things that justify my claims. Pretty much anything is possible in the future. And if we don't know something, it can be anything.
  9. dbmorpher, please try to properly formulate opinions before writing them down. The whole point of colonizing the surface of Venus is to colonize the SURFACE of Venus. And trust me sir, that will happen eventually. For a multitude of reasons. If it's not advanced enough now, then i'd bet 100 or so years in the future, yeah sure, it will be. Occam's Razor merely SUGGESTS there is no multiverse. However, if you say nyet to other universes, how do you explain black holes? Or an experiment where energy shifted from one universe to another? Or the time when we discovered energy particles coming into OUR universe? It's weak, but good enough to prove there are other universes.
  10. What if we can have a field where we could modify the quantity of Higgs Bosons? (zero gravity chamber anyone?) If we can liberate or store protons / neutrons / electrons from a collection of atoms (such as a clay brick) does that mean we could change what material it was? (however such an action would use up / free electricity, radiation, light, and possibly more stuff) If we gathered all the atoms of a dead man into what he once was, and then applied electricity, heat, blood, and other vital resources, then would be spontaneously jump back to life? If the multiverese theory is correct, scientists think that there must be an infinite number of universes, which in turn means that there's one, oh, say, a universe made out of freefloating gold asteroids, or a universe filled with pure energy. Heck, there might even be one where Magic exists and ponies are really real. SO, if we tapped into one of those recourse-filled universes, we can get anything we want! (as well as sneakily sneak past Conservation of mass once and for all!) If we had a pressure, heat, and acid blocking force field, that means we can put a human on Venus and let him survive! Or we could bio engineer humans to survive on Venus with no protection whatsoever. Call me insane, call me a crackpot, even call me a mad scientist, i think that at least 1 of these theories can be real.
  11. I'm using an unmodded 0.24.2 Steam install. On windows 7. http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=WScub2aR <-- output.log
  12. I'll cut to the chase and show you how to recreate the bug. Step 1: load up KSP. Step 2: go to the VAB. Step 3: select a part, any part. Step 4: remove the part. Step 5: get another part, any part. Step 6: Ctrl-Z. Step 7: press launch, which is fore some reason clickable. Step 8: watch in horror as you can no longer escape the VAB. http://pastebin.com/GqQM4eQU <--- KSP.log
  13. BEWARE, FOR I HAVE FOUND THIS THREAD! Expect me to put up a few insane ideas for suits, and even MS paint diagrams. Here's a neat idea: why not make the exoskeleton in the middle of the suit's protective layers? and why not fill the hydraulic fluid with a coolant? And as for the reason we'd go, the question is why NOT go? We'll go sooner or later, maybe for the technological push, for prestige, for money, etc. Or maybe it's because humans can fix things, make intelligent decisions, and not have to wait a whole 4-5 minutes transmission time to make a game-changing decision. The thing is, humans want to prove they can send themselves to another planet. Why not fulfill our desire?
  14. Banned because i wasn't exaggerating. BOW TO ME!!!11!11 HAHA
  15. Banned because Venus IS mine. It has always been, for i am the god of it.
  16. Banned because Hasbro crossed the gender barrier.
  17. Banned for not realizing the tease i had in mind with only giving you an incomplete Venusian disk.
  18. Banned for thinking my all-time favorite political group didn't use the awesome ways of communism.
  19. Baconwich, yeah! WAITER! THERE'S BILLY MAYS IN MY SOUP!
  20. Bloody Trademarks! Kill it! Waiter, 01100001 01110011 01110011!
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