What if we can have a field where we could modify the quantity of Higgs Bosons? (zero gravity chamber anyone?) If we can liberate or store protons / neutrons / electrons from a collection of atoms (such as a clay brick) does that mean we could change what material it was? (however such an action would use up / free electricity, radiation, light, and possibly more stuff) If we gathered all the atoms of a dead man into what he once was, and then applied electricity, heat, blood, and other vital resources, then would be spontaneously jump back to life? If the multiverese theory is correct, scientists think that there must be an infinite number of universes, which in turn means that there's one, oh, say, a universe made out of freefloating gold asteroids, or a universe filled with pure energy. Heck, there might even be one where Magic exists and ponies are really real. SO, if we tapped into one of those recourse-filled universes, we can get anything we want! (as well as sneakily sneak past Conservation of mass once and for all!) If we had a pressure, heat, and acid blocking force field, that means we can put a human on Venus and let him survive! Or we could bio engineer humans to survive on Venus with no protection whatsoever. Call me insane, call me a crackpot, even call me a mad scientist, i think that at least 1 of these theories can be real.