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Everything posted by Souper

  1. Wait a minute, i'm the next poster!- My scorched dead body is somehow teleported to another planet, where it then falls onto the next poster's head, melting them.
  2. I won't tell you why, or how Venus is applicable here, just know that the octopus can't survive 900F heat. Same thing for the next poster.
  3. I am ubercharged, it does nothing to me. Right before my ubercharge wears off, i suicidebomb the next poster (without dying)
  4. It's boiling Methane water. Which is, to say, a gas form of Methane, accompanied by water vapor. Which is, to say, a cloudy fart. I blow the cloudy fart into the next poster's face.
  5. I teleport the black hole to another universe and then capture your hill. My lonely extragalactic hill.
  6. Venus blocks it. Venus crushes the next poster.
  7. I give you... HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED!
  8. The intense ninja car crash spawns a wormhole, and i escape all situations to the same result. The next poster is VENUSVENUSVENU-
  9. I send moar soldiers, who retake the venus museum. My Venus Museum
  10. I goto the mud museum, and create lots of bricks out of the mud, which i use to build a new museum dedicated to Venus My venus museum.
  11. I get out of the mud, and put on new shoes. The next poster is to be hanged for murder!
  12. I locate a mountain on the Vearth remnant and establish two domes filled with a Venus environment and an Earth environment., respectively. My environment museum on a moantain on Vearth in another universe.
  13. It is a vast mudflat on Venus. It dries up in seconds. I then puncture the next poster's suit while they are on Veus.
  14. I assasinate you, and recollect the fragments. My Vearth.
  15. Venusvenusvenusvenusvenus? VENUS! Venusvenusvenus.
  16. I send Antibrony soldiers to that universe. They kill all Ponies there using their Venus launchers, and transform the planet fragments into Venus. My Venus!
  17. The amount of spatial distortion, however, moves the nanobots outside the universe ftw, they are no longer a threat. The next poster encounters slenderman, and are therefore stalked for the rest of their life. Also, money no longer exists.
  18. I buy it from you for 1,000,000,000,000,000 $. My overly expensive hill.
  19. I become less heavy, jump really high, and suckerpunch the next poster while they are piloting a biplane. They lose consciousness and crash.
  20. Questions: Will the final product be free? If not, how much will it cost? Not to ask for a release date, but how fast is the production going? Will you be able to build your spacecraft like in KSP? --- Suggestions: Navball thingy for maneuvers Explosions Saving / "quicksaving" Weapons (we don't exactly want those cube guys attacking our spacecraft, do we?) Alien civilizations
  21. Will you do anything to increase FPS? I find the current prototype to be inefficient and slow.
  22. Souper


    So... does that mean Starwhip gets to post?
  23. Will there be a monetary / science / rep system like in KSP? I'd LOVE to manage something like that.
  24. Indeed. I have only begun to understand it. The user below me chants "ALL HAIL SBURB" all day, every day.
  25. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is terrible because it does not have blood, violence, hatred and war - and it also does not have weapons - What is this, a show for creepy weirdos who live in their basement, draining their mom of free will, a life, and overall sanity?
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