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Everything posted by Souper

  1. WOWCOOl. Where'd you take that pic? I'm assuming it's not the island runway? 11/10
  2. ...And i've rarely been seeing YOU! 1/10
  3. Then i would obsess over Jupiter. How do i space?
  4. Never ask about the rules. What if this was a question instead of an exclamation!!!!!
  5. I shoot you with a AK-47 for being a spy. I then proceed to watch TV on my Apple iPad 5. My hill. HANK OVERLOAD
  6. THE FORUMS ARE FALLING! GET TO THE ARK! *forumers run to the anti-forum crash bunker, preparing to recreate their accounts* I think were' safe in here.
  7. Banned for hipocrisy and cheating and witchcraft.
  8. Banned for banning someone as a pony.
  9. Bnned fr bing 7 psts awy frm 100.
  10. Nuked for using transmissions. -I've lost Karma!-
  11. ButtBanned for korea. Yay, i just invented the Uberbanhammer!
  12. -Battlefeild control online- -BEGIN FUNNY BANWAR ARMS RACE- ButtBanned for attempting to sabotage the improvement of this thread.
  13. -END BANWAR FOR TIBERIUM ARMS RACE- (There isn't any tiberium in this universe, dummy!) -BEGIN WWII STYLE BANWAR ARMS RACE- *developes Krakenban computer virus* Krakenbanned for using a foreign language.
  14. Banned for thinking i can be banned when i am actually a hive-mind who must have all instances of me banned simultaneously in order to erase me. I have developed the Ban-nuke, and will now massproduce them! --------------------------------------------------------BEGIN BANWAR ARMS RACE--------------------------------------------
  15. *Grabs banhammer mid-swing and hurls it behind me, not knowing the next poster is behind me, about to ban me also, who must use HIS banhammer to deflect it*
  16. Banned for not realizing communism can be modified to work. (even though such modifications may be so large it would be suitable to rename it)
  17. What. Have. You. DONE?!?!?!
  18. Banned for capitalism. Communism is the way to go!
  19. GET OFF THE STREETS! RUSSIAN PEOPLE ARE DRIVING! GET OFF THE STREETS!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXGiNgCK4k0
  20. OH NO! CYBORG PONY! ...I'd rather die then stop hating Bronies. -1,000,000 / 10
  21. Look out, that STEADLERBot is trying to kill that Kerbal! Here, have a good score to save him! ∞ / -999
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