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Everything posted by Souper

  1. Actually, Hilton wouldn't be a star OR a black hole. How could something that's originally a planet-looking thing become a black hole inexplicably? If it can't transform into a star (it does not have hydrogen), if it can't become a gas giant (lack of gasses), and if it can't be a black hole (not enough mass being compressed / lack of gravity) then it MUST be an insanely huge terrestrial planet. (Or a very, very ,very small mini-black hole.)
  2. FRANKENPLANET! It really is a wonder how such a planet could exist. Hilton may be possible, but Mulba (and especially Gart is impossible. How does 0.4 G's hold 800 ATM? And how does 600 G's not hold any atmosphere whatsoever? But then again, we'll probably find SEVERAL of these mysteries exploring our universe, so there must be some 1-5 Hilton's in our galaxy alone.
  3. General Rarity was stalked and shot to death by Vladimir Putin.
  4. Name: Hilton Atmospheric pressure: 500 atm Gravity (equator): 6000 G's Gravity (poles): 8000 G's Rotational period: 2 hours Location: Somewhere in between Jool and eeloo 4 Extranormous-sized moons: 1. Orcal: 20 atm ASL pressure, 5 G's 2. Meshk: 0.5 atm ASL pressure, 20G's 3. Mulba: Vacuum; no atmosphere present. 600 G's 4: Gart: 800 atm ASL pressure, 0.4 G's God forgive me.
  5. Yes, i am about to ride it. Waiter, there is a ☭ in my soup! (I sure hope were' allowed to to put that here)
  6. Durak (It's a Russian card game.) I BEEN NINJA'D! (but it still fits, so.....)
  7. Not for long, Hehehe... Waiter, there's a Will Robinson in my soup, and i am about to eat him!
  8. Yes, it is adorable. Waiter, there's a SCP-106 in my soup!
  9. vexx32 attempted to give SCP-106 a hug.
  10. Welcome to the Year 1,000,000,000,000. Goodbye. *you get killed by a invincible dinosaur cyborg made of pure energy*
  11. Granted. You can only do so with Venus. I wish Venus.
  12. I think i just saw him in full-body outside right now. He's standing in the trees!
  13. Well, i had a headache about 2 minutes after i got back to my house. As for high pitched sounds, nyet. BUT i have however saw some branches on a tree move behind my neighbor's house. On a calm, non-windy day.
  14. i'm not joking. I'm scared IRL. I was taking my routine night-walk when my flashlight illuminated something further away than it should have. I stood there and squinted at it for awhile, but then i realized, it wasn't a tree! It looked like the "branches" moved, and was standing off on the side of the road approximately 40-50 meters away from me. My flashlight was small, but i still couldn't find out what it was. Do you guys think this is slenderman, or maybe a tree with shinier than usual bark?
  15. Granted. I wish the Asteroid Belt was still the planet it used to be.
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