if a human dies on Venus..... i have 3 questions. 1. Precisely how long would he survive? (measured in milliseconds) 2. What would happen to the chemicals in his body? 3. Would his body get picked up by Venusian winds and hurls upwardly into the atmosphere?
Claiming that Galileo could ever be slowed down? WITCHCRAFT! Every non-witchcrafter knows that Galileo is da boss, and should he lived to today, we would all be on a huge megametropolis on Venus!
Myspacebarisstuckbecauseyoureferencedsomething?CHEATER!Realplayersalwaysmakeunderstandablereferences!waitasecond,myspacebarisglitching.Itsflickeringonand o ffff o n o its mes sed u p
Ok. Here's your boring lobster, with a disk copy of KSP. I would like CHOCOLAAAAAAAAATE!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!! CHOCOLATE!1!1!11one!11!! *begins chasing waiter*