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Everything posted by Souper

  1. I might take a shot at this! - - - Updated - - - Probably not.
  2. Banned because......uh..............THEY KNOW I'M NOT A PROGRAM!!! *runs away*
  3. Banned because TEH COMMURSHIUL SED IT WUZ BETUR!!!111!11111
  4. 5021: The Kroxima Express mission is officially taken over by the government. Now free to use their alcubierre drive, they go to Kroxima Kentauri. 5023: The Kroxima Express ship's lander makes Eubert Kerman the first to set foot on Hallis, a planet orbiting Kroxima Kentauri. They stay for 5 days. 5023: After 1.2 days of being on the surface, the lander's crew grows slightly paranoid, as if they were somehow being watched by an entity on the other side of the planet. 5023: After 2.5 days of being on the surface of Hallis, the crew report sightings of a mysterious black humanoid entity slowly gliding across the ground at 1 mile / hr. 5023: When the humanoid entity aproaches the lander, the ascent stage is activated. Eubert Kerman and the rest of the crew dock with the Kroxima Express ship. 5024: Having forgotten about the past events, the crew of the Kroxima Express ship use their alcubierre drive to go back to Kerbin. 5024: The Kroxima Kentauri ship re-appears in Kerbin orbit. They deploy a reentry capsule, and the crew returns home. 5025: The GARDARP is forced by the Government to allow KSP to use alcubierre drives. The KSP is now free to do more interstellar missions. 5030: A mysterious black humanoid entity is seen floating across the the ground in the Kaustralian Outback.
  5. Well, seeing as this place is probably breaking the rules, i think this should be locked. If it doesn't, however, then start posting again.
  6. You are a pony! Gaurds! Execute him for treason! My real name is Tristin.
  7. Banned for being a no-good brony- Hey, who are you? - - - Updated - - - Stop right there, spy! -bans-
  8. Well was it cheap as hell and require no skill whatsoever?
  9. I built a cheap ass ship that used vernor thrusters as the main engines. And launched it the right time. And kept going at full speed. And i found that its solar apoapsis Stretched all the way to jool. VERNOR ENGINE OP No cheats. No mods. No physics bending.
  10. Granted. You are now terrified of all the other planets. I wish for infinite witches.
  11. Granted. Terrorists put anthorax into the fries, killing you. I wish for more creepypastas of KSP.
  12. Granted, however there are now only 2 contracts: Die horribly, and Die horribly. You do the first one. I don't wish for anything. Instead, i backstab the below user before they finish reading this. I love being a spy.
  13. Granted. UNEXPECTED LEFT TURN! I wish my body is 100% efficient, and used whatever it eats. (I never have to use the bathroom again!)
  14. Granted. Oh look, it found a partnership with EA! I wish for moar plastic bags to play with.
  15. Everything Whitehole: Creates everything, thus the game continues.
  16. BLU Spy: Prepare to backstab a random RED class.
  17. GREY Demobot: Plant bombs around the sewer entrance to the RED and BLU bases. Proceeds to use large sword to camp both sides.
  18. If you thought i stole this from roblox, you're absolutely right. So, a user picks a team, a class and an action. Up to 3 actions per post, and only 1 class-team per post, please. I, the creator of the thread, decide when we have a new map, and the gamemode. Fictional maps/teams/classes/actions may be used. Attention Moderators: Please do not select a class called moderator. It breaks the rules. Thank you! Example: User 1: BLU engineer: construct sentry nest. User 2: RED Spy: Attempt to sap said sentry nest. User 1: BLU engineer: Kill above spy. I will begin. The map is ctf_2fort, and the gamemode is Capture the flag. RED Engineer: Construct engineer nest in intelligence room.
  19. Actually i don't think this is necessary, i tried to make this as aligned to canon as possible. Oh well./ P.S: Bobak Kerman is real, He appeared in some trailers.
  20. Jebediah Kerman: He'd been a badass all his life. Then he came up with the idea of being a junkyard owner and an astronaut at the same time. Bill: Unknown. Bob: Unknown. Presumably traumatized by an event in his past. Gene Kerman: Has a wife and 6 kids. He's just working at the KSP for money. Likely has a kollege education. Wernher von Kerman: Ex-Kazi rocket scientist, extracted to the KSP in operation Kerbalklip after World War K. Bobak Kerman: Systems engineer. (Semi-official character.) Recruits: Want to go to space! Engineers: Work for money. Scientists: Got a Kollege education. Likes science. Likes watching the cool explosions. Drivers: Alcoholiks. Mission Control People: Grew up with allot of koffee. As a result, they are addicted.
  21. Time til 0.24: Almost certainly within the next 10 days. Time til 1.0.0: Around 9 years from now (if things keep going at this pace) Predictions: - There will most likely be more KSP creepypastas - Everybody here will become older - Somebody will probably make mods where the devs didn't add stuff - You will read this and think that i'm trolling, only to be told that i'm actually being serious, which is kinda sad. - You read all this stuff 5 minutes ago elsewhere on the forums.
  22. "BS" ????????? What? It's a good game.
  23. So i played this game called "Science Of The Spheres", i forgot the name, i think it was made by some guy called Nova. Anyway, you're piloting a little lander-probe through another universe. This universe gets its name from it's own incredible smallness. (The entire universe is just 0.1 light-years across, and the planets are 150 meters!) Anyway, i took some screenshots. http://imgur.com/a/yMzdE#0 But yeah, It's in alpha.
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