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Everything posted by Souper

  1. My private parts.... ....Well, something tells me the ladies will like me more <XD
  2. Souper

    Wake Up calls.

    It's a trick, it's actually a cool 8bit song.
  3. Remember, the procedural ladders thing? If we had that, i would spazzout for hours.
  4. but yeah, just read the rules, and it says NOTHING about disturbing content, so were' good.
  5. They can be both. Mwahahaha!
  6. Souper

    Wake Up calls.

    Here's mine: It'd be hilarious.
  7. Souper


    Pro: Immunity to fire! Con: Get hurt by water Chainsaw hands!
  8. OMG. WE HAVE TO DO THIS. This is the best idea i've ever gotten. Imagine you were placing a ladder like it was a strut. That would be AWSOME. Or better yet, add procedural ladders. Pick a point A and a point B, and the ladder's there. That's awsome.
  9. Not using guns? CHEATER! Real players ALWAYS use AK-47's to kill people. Oh and by the way, everybody who reads this just lost The Game.
  10. Not favoring generosity? CHEATER! Real players always love and tolerate. Wait a minute. OH NOES, I'VE BEEN INFECTED WITH THE BRONY VIRUS! *suicides*
  11. Granted. You are now an ice cube, about to melt in the summer heat. I wish for rocks.
  12. Souper


    Yet another game i stole from the Roblox forums (they have there own forum games), this is similar to Survive That Attack / Corrupt a wish, please enjoy. Ok, so, a poster states a mutation, and the next poster states a Pro and a Con, and then states yet another mutation. Example: User#1: Left ear is a gun User #2: Pro: Defend. con: Suicide XD.| Right arm is a TV remote. Ok. you know how it works, so i will begin. Hair is Play-Dough.
  13. Ha! It got incinerated because of my plasma skin! I then touch the next poster. (I want to bring this back to life.)
  14. Being a self-centered endermen? CHEATER! Real players are always generous, like the concept (NOT PRACTICE) of communism. you should always be at my location too, by the way.
  15. I'm Male, so, is everybody here male, or....?
  16. Souper

    Salty Spitoon

    I'm so squishy and smooth, i'm allowed into the Olympics. Welcome to the Title of the Fight Club That was Clearly Too Long to be taken seriously, how LOL are you?
  17. I'm 12. really? 10char limit?
  18. Souper

    Salty Spitoon

    I'm so tough, i ate a bowl of water last night. WITH NO SCREWS. Farewell from the Salty Spitoon, come back soon!
  19. Souper

    Salty Spitoon

    I'm so tough, i succesfuly necro'd this thread. - - - Updated - - - Welcome to the I forgot the greet the next poster, how touch are ya?
  20. Souper


    The cities of Earth, before the invention of the Lightbulb?
  21. Hi! Ever start up KSP and not think of anything to do? Well i've come up with a solution to fix this! By filling out this form over and over again: SOI: Mission Type: Return: , we can never be bored in KSP again! I will begin: SOI:Minmus Mission Type: Manned Orbiter Return: Yes Now let's see YOU make a random mission!
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