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Everything posted by Souper

  1. Souper

    Salty Spitoon

    i'm so tough, i ate a whole jar of horse relish and didn't blow out my sphincter. Welcome to the Kitchen, how tolerant of Gordon Ramsay's swear words are you?
  2. Souper

    Salty Spitoon

    So tough, i beat a Satan minge on Garry's mod. To welcome Spitoon Salty, tough are ya how?
  3. Souper

    Salty Spitoon

    So tough, I murdered my own name. Welcome to Weenie Hut Jr's, how soft are ya'?
  4. Souper

    Salty Spitoon

    So tough that i managed to survive a Justin Beiber concert. Welcome to [ERROR], how tough are ya?
  5. Banned because mudkips are bald. CHROME DOME!
  6. Souper

    Salty Spitoon

    I'm so tough, i....What? Oh right, my amnesia. I think i survived 17 car crashes at the same time with no injuries whatsoever. Welcome to Spitoon Salty, how tough are ya?
  7. Banned for eating CO2 and producing O2
  8. Souper

    Salty Spitoon

    I'm so tough, i was able to endure the INCREDIBLY painful 6,000,000$ transformation into a cyborg. 011010101011001010110101010101010, 010101010101010?
  9. Souper

    Salty Spitoon

    I survived on surface of Eve for 5 minutes with a breath mask and got back inside.....with minimal burn injuries! Welcome to the heaty higravity, how tough are ya?
  10. Year 4915: Klenderman returns. Mass Klenderman sightings are found everywhere. Nearly 85% of kerbals everywhere go permanently insane. Kerbalkind declares war on Klenderman.
  11. ×ðÿрõщõýýыõ ôûѠýõ ñыть àþÑÂÑÂøø.
  12. ýõт Like_A_Boss
  13. GREAT NEWS! NoPan is no longer the winner if somebody can do the challenge with less than 16 parts! If that's possible.
  14. Joan Van Ark will turn you into stone if you dare gaze upon her face for a single instant.
  15. I am wearing chainsaw-proof armour. The next poster sees this: , and turns to stone.
  16. Souper

    Friend or foe.

    Friend, becaus-AAAAGH <---THAT FRIEND WAS A SPY! Foe, because i had to kill a friend.
  17. Souper

    Friend or foe.

    Freind because i'm generous.
  18. I once had to go into solar orbit and then do a Hohmann transfer to go to another planet.
  19. Description Ok. If this is a bad challenge, just let me know. This, incase you didn't guess by the title, is a challenge involving Tylo. The Challenge You will attempts to land on Tylo twice with the same lander. BUT you will land on both the day and night side. Rules 1. You may use whichever fuel tank or engine you like. 2. If you have mods, epecially Kerbal Enigneer / mechjeb, uninstall them. 3. No mothership housing 2 landers! The amount of fuel and oxidizer you have left will be divided by the amount of parts on your lander. Lowest score wins.
  20. .................When you make noodle rockets as tall as the VAB
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