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Everything posted by Souper

  1. What's a necro? a dead thread or something?
  2. STOP!!! That's IT. I'm getting Vexx to lock this thread!
  3. Well at least we'd prove we could at least TRY to walk on it?
  4. Shut up!!!! Stop prolonging! Youl embarrass teh future posters!!!
  5. Well imagine how promising it would be to mine all that underground silicone. Something tells me Venus has a lot of valuable metals. Especially all those diamonds. Now that we have a reason to go there, why not? Besides one of the main reasons we'd want to go there is to see if we could.
  6. Something just occurred to me: we'd just need to re-purpose a submarine. Maybe make it heat resistant, give it insulation, an airlock, and rocket engines and corrosion proof titanium shielding. We could have this technology as early as 2156 July 7th, 11:26.36 AM, (DON'T ASK)
  7. Tacks can't pop this fat guy YOU WILL NEVER OBTAIN HL2:E3
  8. So you're all implying we'll NEVER set foot on venus? Bah!
  9. Look, at some point in our existence as a species this manned venus mission WILL happen. It has to. Sulfur mines, energy generation, CO2 mines in the atmosphere, areostat bases, surface or subsurface bases, terraforming, the list goes on.
  10. Are you on serious drugs? Fine, then we'll send dense liquid nitrogen cooling systems there.
  11. And me too. I already posted, so i can still be remembered, even if you post last. BTW can the mods PLEASE lock this thread? Fyre Flare's just gonna keep extending it!
  12. Holy jesus... What is this, private pile? Me referencing Full Metal Jacket? And you missposting? You, private pile, are a CHEETER and a MAGGOT WHO JOINED BY BELOVED MARINE CORP!
  13. Too late, i already posted. So i will too. Congrats you found a invisi text easter egg!
  14. ---___--- 01100001 01110011 01110011 invisi text industries incorperated you have doubted our product cheeter. Real players are satasfies with whatever crap they are given by big corperations.
  15. Seeing as you didn't post an image, here's the big guy:
  16. My point still stands. Were' stubborn, and sometimes blind. The whole point of manned missions is to at least try be more cost effective, have strength in the face of cosmic odds, and, of course, the very reason we exist: To prove we can do it; to do more with less; to know. Because we're humanity; relentless, stubborn, blind geniuses, and other times, idiots.
  17. Chuck Norris picks it up and uses it as a toothpick. Chuck Norris then uses the next poster's house as toilet paper.
  18. *jumps into the thread at the very last second, say this* The whole point of manned missions is to be more cost effective, have strength in the face of cosmic odds, and, of course, the very reason we exist: To prove we can do it; to do more with less; to know. Because we're humanity; relentless, stubborn, blind geniuses. I MADE IT INTO THE THREAD! I WILL BE REMEMBERED!
  19. You forget the whole point of manned missions is to be more cost effective, have strength in the face of cosmic odds, and, of course, the very reason we exist: To prove we can do it; to do more with less; to know. When i said structural support, i mean having an exoskeleton. Cooling a block of ice to sub-zero temperatures has been done before. Simple as that. Even if it needs a freaking massive spacesuit, a mechsuit, or even a pressure ressistant forcefeild, if it take us 500 - 2000 more years to do it, WE WILL DO IT EVENTUALLY! Because we're humanity; relentless, stubborn, blind geniuses.
  20. Oh wait, I'm the next poster! AAAAAAH- *dies* The scouts then swarm the next poster.
  21. Oh, ok. : - - - Updated - - - Can a moderator lock this thread please?
  22. As seen in this video: The astronaut is using new technology instead of old soviet tech. Venera 13 was old soviet tech and it lasted for 2 hours. So i think new tech might give us as much as 8-14 hours on the surface. As for the suits, IT'S NOT THAT HARD, PEOPLE! We'd only need these features to make a Venus suit: Titanium. Structural support on the inside. Cooling system using a exotic new technology / element (such as sending a block of ice thousands of degrees below zero) Well granted it might not be that easy, but as far as i'm concerned, the soviets DID last for 2+ hours, so we can do better.
  23. I raise my fist, shattering the TV on contact. I then shoot you in the leg as punishment for trying to kill me. The next poster gets swarmed by a bunch of ubercharged scouts.
  24. If minmus IS in fact a comet nucleus, it will be unstable. It's orbit is already unstable, in fact. So, we could: 1. Remove minmus from the game / take it to some other planet. 2. Give it extreme inclination. So new players will go through the hard part with the mun, and have a LOT easier experience with other bodies. 3. Make it darker, and make it a comet...orbiting the sun. I for one don't like the unrealistic experience of new players landing on Minmus instead of the mun. It would be like Apollo 11 landing on a near-earth protoplanet, which is extremely, EXTREMELY unlikely.
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