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Everything posted by Souper

  1. You will be executed not only for not saying anything, but also being a Proto-brony! (And giving entirely false information!) This. Sentence. Is. FALSE! don't think about it don't think about it don't think about it don't think about it don't think about it
  2. How could you even SURVIVE under that much boredom?
  3. You will be.........glorified in a solid gold statue for making perfect sense! HAIL THE GROX EMPIRE!
  4. You will be executed for being a brony! The below poster will be executed for treason after reading this!
  5. Mwahahahaha! Oh hi Jeb, wai WHA- *gets shot and dies* Jebediah Kerman: .ah euq ergelA¡ .fffU
  6. I will cheat to the day i die, non-cheater!
  7. Well too bad for you i'm not a fair gamer. (FORUM GAME BOSS FIGHT INBOUND)
  8. Being a NASA Fanboy? CHEATER! Real players always like Black Mesa!
  10. You won't be executed for treason, sir, because you just killed me by saying something as impossible as that. Welcome to the wrong thread, how tough are you?
  11. Yes. But this scenario is where it occurs on a larger scale. For instance, the hybrid can give you cancer just by giving you a handshake.
  12. No i'm talking the virus and the human cells completely merging into one super-being.
  13. Well i'm talking a human that's up to 40% virus.
  14. Ok. What i am about to suggest may either be impossible or incredibly difficult, but if it can be done, what would happen? So, we take a human (Homo sapiens) and created a hybrid with them using Influenza (The flu). So, what WOULD happen if we made a cross between a human, and a virus? What would the virus do with sentience? What would the human do with the ability to infect others and give them superpowers, like mind-over-flesh? Or surviving almost anything?
  15. Hi, virus. That's a nice ability to interact with my bodily cells you have there. It'd be a real shame if i were a methane based life-form. The next poster plays Mortal Kombat in real life, and loses.
  16. Souper


    Pro: Do anything Con: No Challenge, No victory. Ability to teleport to Russia and back at any time.
  17. Wernher suddenly got an idea. "What if we all pitched in to buy Jeb's old junkyard?" "Hey, great idea!" says Gene. For the next 2 weeks, they haggled the government to buy Jeb's junkyard for 1,000$. They eventually won by exploiting a massive loophole: The 'I just wanna buy land off of you but the buildings inside the land would also be mine but i only have to pay the price for the land' trick, works every time. And with that, they went into production. In the following 5 months, they made 11,500$ - 10% of what they needed just to obtain the KSC. They worked hard. Many sleepless nights went by, they had made 75% of what they needed for the KSC in just 12 months - a full year. They took 1 whole month off to rest, before coming back to work - this time, they went into 'Maximum Overdrive!" in order to get it done. 1 Month passed, they ended up coming up with the 1,000,000$ they needed to exploit the loophole again, thus earning them the KSC. They sold everything but the VAB, the Mission Control Center, and the Tracking Station, thus earning every thing they needed.....exept for a functional Alcubierre drive. How will they aquire the alcubierre drive? That, my friend, is a story for another day. TO BE CONTINUED...
  18. Implementing into story, please hold...
  20. 6545676586789879: Wernher Von Kerman time travels into the distant future. The air is toxic, the gravity high, buildings destroyed, and there is a thick orange fog concealing Klenderman. He quickly time travels back to present-day Kerbin, carrying with him a antimatter reactor core. 5007: Wernher Von Kerman overshoots and ends up 1 year in the future. The KSP used the antimmater core to build a Alcubierre drive, in order to go to Kroxima Kentari.
  21. Souper

    Salty Spitoon

    I'm so tough, i can watch MLP and survive with my antibrony intact. Welcome to the Sailor Army, how YO HO HO are you?
  22. Part 2 Wernher had a plan. An idea. He thought the only way get them was to hold a convention consisting of only them. He put up the sign, and the stage, and waited. After awhile, he was so frustrated by them not showing up, he looked like this. "Why won't they show up?" he said out loud. Then he realized. "I need to track them down!" Little did he know, they were on there way, on account of the Kerbbook invitation. The arrived. "What's this conve-" said Eumon, right before the trio get grabbed by Wernher. "I'm so glad you all showed up!" exclaimed Wernher. "I need you three to restart the Kerbal Space Program" said Wernher. "Whaaaaaaa..." said the three in unison. "That's right. Were' goin' to Kroxima Kentauri! Me, Dinklestein and Eumon!" "WHAAAAAaaa....!!!" exclaimed the trio, once again. It took an hour of talking, but Wernher finally convinced the three to participate. "But even if this works, how would we get the money for this?" said Gene. "I.....uhh....." said Wernher. TO BE CONTINUED... sorry folks. That's all i can fit into my tiny, tiny schedule. Toodle-doo!
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