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Everything posted by Souper

  1. 99^999^999 said number is so large wolfram Alpha had to use exponents just to tell me how many digits it had.
  2. 9999999^99 (again, packed 693 digits into 10 exactly.)
  3. 9999999999 <10 digits exactly = valid entry. Umad?
  4. Fyre Flare and Super were both killed by Shrek.
  5. I must make it to SQUAD and kill them, to end their reign of tyranny! *gets in car, drives to Mexico*
  6. Omg teh vernor engine is so tottally overpower! We need to stop it! MAIK SKWAD DELETE IT NAO!
  7. LtHeckard was inside the VAB when it collapsed.
  8. LtHeckard went skydiving on Venus.
  9. Designer225 took his helmet off on the surface of Laythe.
  10. You don't have a mouth. Venera 13 decided it has a mini gun, the ability to fly, and a lust for killing next posters!
  11. This has to be made sooner or later, why not now? With this, we experience hype from the very beginning!
  12. I am unable to eat myself due to the pain associated with attempting to do so. I go back in time. ============================ The smell of onions fills the next poster's nose as Shrek appears. ==============================
  13. I eat the rocket. 'Nuff said. The smell of onions fills the next poster's nose as Shrek appears.
  14. you think THAT's bad? Try being thrown out the airlock!
  15. Souper


    It wasn't a guess...
  16. Souper


    oil? Mercury? Uranium?
  17. Souper


    Ozone? 10freakingchars
  18. False, i am a Venus. The user below me also revamped their profile, and has also used comic sans in it.
  19. Time til KSP 1.0.0: Roughly 4 years. Time til KSP 0.25: Within 1-2 weeks Additions: better particle FX better textures new strategy building moar plane parts (B9 aerospace pack is becoming official) destructible buildings And YES, i'll be posting a prediction thread every update for a multitude of reasons: 1. to boost hype 2. to make someone say that this will delay the update, thus tempting fate to prove him wrong, in order to get the update sooner 3. to summarize the update
  20. Yes. (SUPRISE M*********!!!!!!) The user below me is Flare.
  21. Hello, Kerbal. Don't worry, i'm TOTALLY safe. Want a hug? (holding knife and fork)
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