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Everything posted by Souper

  1. B31NG 0N TH3 R00F 0f th3 V@b/ Ch3@t3R! R33l play3rz alw@yz st1ck t0 th3 gr0und.
  2. 10 / 10 UUUUUHJHJHJ!1111111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!eleven!one--jYUKLOIO:65u
  3. Patrick. He eats anything, including coffee mugs.
  4. Venusian Sulfuric acid. Flood their mole holes with that stuff, they'll die in no time.
  5. Border patrol. You already know why.
  6. 301: Kroman Kerman decides he hated snacks, and only wants to eat meat. 302: Kroman Kerman goes on a mass kannibalism spree. 303: Kroman Kerman's secret lair is invaded and destroyed by Kerbots. Kroman himself is killed right away, as imprisonment is to risky for anyone living near the prison.
  7. 11/10 Hi Mr. Red-colored-avatar moderator! Edit for above: How cold you not be a mod? You have so many green bars!
  8. 10/10 Bronies are.....weird, to say the least.
  9. Mentlegen. I am here to discuss my effort to make Eve a much more friendly place. No, not terraforming, that'd be too hard. I'm just going to put up a lot of things over there on the purple planet to make it easier to explore in general. These effort are split up into 3 parts: 1. Probes. I will place multiple unmanned spacecraft into orbit 'round Eve in order to fully understand the space around the planet before i send people there. Along with that, there will be several surface ventures that will be very ambitious - polar landings, water landings, mountain landings, lowland landings, etc. 2. Manned outposts in orbit of both Eve and Gilly. Refueling stations, science stations, stations with a lot of crew, you name it. There will even be surface refueling stations for when i start exploring the surface with crewed landers and bases. 3. Full-scale surface invasion. I will conquer Eve once and for all with hundreds, possibly thousands of Kerbals! MuahahahahaHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!1111!!!
  10. Ok! Science docs sound fun, its sounds nice to try to piece together how the kerbol system was made.
  11. After some contracts from Kerbodyne that wound up giving me 1200 science points each boosted me to the end of the tech tree before i even went to another planet, i find myself at the end of the tech tree with nothing to do. So, what's the point of continuing my save file again?
  12. Somebody who dosn't know that the exact color of the background here is #FAFAFA
  13. Halloween came and my polarity got reversed. I then became the guy who likes the COLDEST body in the solar system, Triton. I need help! Can someone tell me how long this'll last? Is this permanent? Insert question here?
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