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Everything posted by Souper

  1. not banned because i must breeak smaller rules to avoid breaking FURTHER RULES. WHAT, IS MY CAPSLOCK STUCK? CRAP.
  2. Banned for not using pink colored size 7 Comic sans.
  3. Then i wouldn't be able to figure it out. Wh@t 1f y0u 2nd th1z t3xt @app3@r3d f@c3-t0-f@c3?
  4. Souper


    None of the above....except for cantab. Congratulations, you've won!
  5. Then they would be killed, taken to area 51, dissected and studied. What if you had the opportunity to save those poor kerbals?
  6. Souper


    Well, nobody else is here, so i'll just post a quickie: They make the rods that take us to the spheres But nobody really knows them They are better funded than the others But with considerably less fame. Who are they?
  7. Did you hear of plans for a landsail rover to Venus? #somuchhype
  8. 9345/111 your hair smells nice.
  9. Then there would be a government in the first place. also, it'd be locked. H3ll0. N1c3 d@y w3r.3 h@v1ng.
  10. 10000/10 I may have been secretly lurking in the dark... Muahahaha!
  11. Souper


    Life? Asteroid belt?
  12. 10/10 Hey its you with the crappy avatar! Hey there!
  13. 0/10 but you do look familiar...
  14. 1/10. Europa is easy to land on, as long as you have a harpoon.
  15. -∞ / 10 The thing is, it's getting old. It gets old really fast. CHANGE IT.
  16. 2/10 Yeah, it need improvement. Why don't ya do the same scene, but on a really steep hill on Carl Sagan's face on Tylo?
  17. 9/10 Ok it's getting old now.
  18. Still funny, still explodey, still sciencey! 1337 / 10
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