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Everything posted by Souper

  1. A keyboard. I can use it to protect against alpha and gamma rays! But the gamma rays.........Bye!!!
  2. *LOOP BREAKER* Killed the loop before it started.
  3. If there's a requirment, i might not be old enough...
  4. Wait... How old do you have to be in order to be on this forum?
  5. 1/10 You're becoming more of a common man.
  6. Where do moderators and admins come from?
  7. Thread probobly violating rule 2.2c. Uh Oh!!!!!
  8. Post Your Name Change Requests Here! If you would like to have your username changed, please post here. State what you would like your name changed to. The moderators will see if that's available. If the name is not already taken by another user, and it meets our Forum Guidelines, it should be approved, and will be changed in short order. You are only allowed 1 (one) name change. It can be hard to keep track of who is who if everybody keeps changing their name. So think wisely about the change, it won't be undone. ------ End Moderator Edit. Original Post Follows ------ This one is awful.
  9. Kokain is the right answer. But Koke...could be a drink!
  10. Name banned kerbal drugs. Bonus points for unpopular, less unrecongnized ones.
  11. Year 655 1/2: Kerbal engineers discover Nuclear propulsion and solar panels. Meanwhile, Kokain is invented, and the government finds it...
  12. BTW Mun and Minmus are in the outskirts of the joolian system. Minmus orbits the Mun.
  13. Why is Kerbin's gravitational pull the same as Earth's, even though Kerbin is smaller than the moon? In fact, this same thing spans across the entirety of the Kerbol system. Why???
  14. This is rediculous i know, but what if you had a computer with infinite proccesing power? What would happen if you crashed a space station the size of the mun into the real mun, and the real mun had physics? What would be the outcome?
  15. Brony scum!!!!!!

  16. Gilly. you saw Gilly-no you didn't. too small.
  17. Bonus points for theory on Minmus's.
  18. I considered Dominatus's theory for a while, but......no. Such a biologic system needs solids and water inside them. E-cookie goes to TheDarkStar.
  19. Title explains it all. E-cookie reward as usual. BEGIN!
  20. It DOES look like the mun! Or Tylo...!!!!!!!
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