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Everything posted by Souper

  1. Year 2311.1: Evebal technology is re-discovered. Energy weapons and antimatter fuel is invented, and mass produced.
  2. Year 2311: After lots of listening in on the FTL probe, the kerbals discover weird aliens. They are VERY similar to kerbals, but they have grey skin, huge pitch-black eyes, and long limbs. They are emotionless.
  3. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60603-Stuck-with-the-above-posters-avatar-%28Redux%29/page5?highlight=avatar+elevator Hate for this one to go to waste.
  4. Year 2070: Emmet kerman arives in the present-day Kerbin.
  5. Year 34545755234436546: Emmet kerman arives on a kerbin with a toxic atmosphere, and ruins of an advanced civilization. Good thing he just so happened to have his lucky gas mask. He found a time machine and went to the past.
  6. Same year: KSC is rebuilt.
  7. Year 2025: Jeb, bill, and Bob come out of stasis.
  8. Year 2014: The Democrats launch an all-out attack on Thin Islands, which results in the assasination of The Komunist forces's leader. Democracy takes over kerbin.
  9. Year 2012: An ancient Kayan Kalender is realised, and a planet called Kerbiru swings by Kerbin, and changes it's rotation, which kills 345645 people.
  10. Banned because i'm suing you for 1333333333333333333333337$ for stealing mai idea
  11. I die, game over. Next poster trips on a rock.
  12. Banned for not apreciating MOAR BOOSTERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Banned for not knowing about the massive secret stash of gold i hid somewhere under the roof of the VAB.
  14. Granted. Your reputation sinks to bellow -64576577588765435436658678e+=342. (roblox noob mode activated) GIVE ME MAI SODAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!1lol rofl 1337 LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I R L33T!!!!!!!
  15. Banned for being the above user. Next poster gets banned right after he says "Banned for-"
  16. Year 2000: The kerbals rebuild their home planet into what it once was. Also, Merlin Kerman is released from stasis.
  17. I have been asking myself this question for a looooong time.
  18. (If it's host to a spatial dimension)
  19. Wait..... So every time dimension above 0 is a time dimension? ...Unexpected.
  20. Year 1070: The Glitch war ends with a mysterious company called "SQUAD,INC" coming into the picture. Somehow, some way, the glitches stop, and protesters back down and hand over the evebal tech. Then, they are all executed.
  21. Year 1051: Jeb goes to Eve and blows up the Evbal (kerbal-like beings from eve) HQ, thus ending the war. Lots of new technology is obtained.
  22. Year 1050: An All-out war begins between Eve and Kerbin.
  23. Year 1040: The SEKI program detects strange signals from Eve, and reports of "eve invaders" landing on Kerbin are worldwide.
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