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Everything posted by Souper

  1. This is a hybrid game consisting of 3 games: "Stuck with the above poster's avatar", "Survive that attack!" and "Google image wars" You play as you're avatar, and follow the same mechanics of "Survive that attack", however, you attack using Google images! I'll start:
  2. My body gets infected with the Green flu (from left 4 dead) right before said disappearance of my nervous system, and then some random guy TOUCHES and SHAKES my dead body and says "WAIK UP!!11!!111!" and then he turns into a zombie, and then attacks the next poster.
  3. I time travel 3 years into the past and murder the scientists that constructed you, LQ-84i, so you don't exist anymore! I throw the scientists's dead bodies at the next poster.
  4. Hi there! Thought you could escape my gravity? Or my surface? CRUSHING TIME!
  5. (11JRidding, what species are you?) As i am right behind you, and thus, out of the way, i am unharmed. I swap places with The Kraken, placing me on bop, and placing a full-grown Kraken right behind you.
  6. After the mini solar system was "safely" exported into space, i entered the elevator and crushed it yet again, along with everyone who posted on this thread. EVERYONE. Except me.
  7. I turn around to see the monster. I see a tall, grey, skinny, faceless, shivering monster with a bulbous head. There is a gun and 12 bullets further down a corridor, and a longer corridor leading to a door. Which Way?
  8. April 9.6, 2014: Everyone teams up to destroy the mantis men, who came from Zeta Reticuli.
  9. April 9.5, 2014: A peace treaty is signed by everyone, not allowing further conflict. Until a race of 12 foot long mantis men declare war on THE ENTIRE EARTH.
  10. April 9.4, 2014: Super teams up with Maximus97 to nuke Rasheed. They are succesful, and Rasheed loses the war.
  11. April 19.1, 2014: Super starts a war on the forums that pits Rasheed and super in an all-out war. For no reason.
  12. Year 4275.001: Super arrives from time-travelling more then 3 months into the future and re-appears on the KSP forums.
  13. Imagine a kerbal wants to sacrifice himself so the others can continue in the mission, so Bob sacrifices himself to Jeb and Bill can go home... P.S Kethane can be converted fuel. Kethane can be found on other planets. You can mine kethane.
  14. I grab a switchblade and cut the tape off. I throw stable stranglet matter onto the floor, thus starting the conversion of the ENTIRE PLANET EARTH into strange matter, including the next poster's body.
  15. Ok fine, i'm allowing a rule change. Boat mods are allowed.
  16. Please don't tell me this is bad....... Ok, the rules are as follows: A: You may not use mods of any kind, exept for pontoon mods/ boat mods. It has to be done in carreer mode v0.23, no part restrictions. B: No cheating of any kind. C: If you don't know how to make a boat, don't do this challenge. Learn to do it and then come back. The person with the most points wins! P.S: Bonus 15000 points for building it next to a shore, and having a working return craft to go back to Kerbin, favourably done on the shore. This has been done before http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43580-Project-Atlantis-Floating-Eve-Ocean-Base but no, you're not SirJodelstein, are you? 1 point for a part, 150 points for a kerbal, 50000 points for a working SSTO, 1,000,000 points for a city-sized base.
  17. Both of you are wrong, and yes, i have read the rules. Landing on jool IS possible. But you can't spend too much time on it...
  18. Challenge 1: Go to the bottom of eve's oceans and come back to Kerbin. Challenge 2: Go to the mun and back on carreer 0.23, No mods allowed, And only with the "Start" science node. Challenge 3: Land on JOOL and return to Kerbin. In one peice. (I've heard this is actually possible.) No using cheats. First person to pull off all of these wins. Bonus points to the guy w/ the most fuel left (after you decouple the last of the fuel away).
  19. Do you have any idea how hard it really is? No, you don't.
  20. Go to interstellar space, to 10,000,000,000,000m EXACTLY away, and return to Kerbin. Do not use hyperedit / console cheats / save editing. All parts are allowed, but it has to be done on carreer mode.
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