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Posts posted by DYJ

  1. Those opportunities for inventiveness would be lost if we only had one wing section you can bend and twist to make any wing

    Let's just say that I fundamentally disagree with that. There is nothing stopping people from making weird contraptions with multiple dynamic parts the same way they make weird contraptions with multiple static parts. What currently limits opportunities for inventiveness is more so a lack of detail by the simulation than too much freedom, right now there is no thinking involved with making a wing in the game, practically any configuration will give the same results. And as such the base game has no real need for the detail dynamic parts allow in this case.

    When it comes to customizing pods, engines and so on the game is however more susceptible to allowing the users more freedom to make the smaller detail choices dynamic parts allow.

  2. In all seriousness though, if a smaller control surface is something a lot of people feel is missing (or anything else that's easy to fix) I'm sure we can get it included if not in the next update but the one after that. So make a sketch of what you want and stick that on the bugtracker as a feature request.

    The first implementation of a larger overhaul like this is never perfect so I'm sure Squad has planned for the possibility of adding some extra stuff in later. Just like when .18 added the size 2 parts and we got ASAS and whatnot that was missing in the update after.

  3. the disappearing wings has to do with the way Unity culls geometry when it is out of the camera view. Checking the "Update When Offscreen" setting in mesh renderer component will prevent the wing from disappearing when it is close to edge of screen in some situations. Larger wings are more prone to this than smaller wings. maybe the setting can be forced on by pWing.

    Yepp, that seems to work. Should be in the next update.

  4. I have an issue with the control surfaces. if I make a wing and setup control surfaces on it then I mirror the wing to the other side the control surface does not mirror correctly. it will have the tip and root swapped. thus if I have a control surface where I tweak the tip and root thikness to different values the other wing will have them reversed.

    Secondly on the P4 wing there is an option to have the "flaps" enabled or disabled. removing them for a spot to put control surfaces is nice, but why not just make this "flap" be a control surface? thus the control surface will automatically be placed correctly and have all the proper scaling etc. to make it match up with the wing.

    That was my original intention, but Unity doesn't appear to understand that moving parts of a skinnedmeshrenderer independent of it's parent armature is technically possible, I could work around it by making a more complex armature however...

    I don't think changing the characteristics would really matter too much as long as you limit the amount which you can manipulate it into a parallelogram, it's more about making aesthetically pleasing sweeped wings, it would be very very handy for making early jet-fighter style planes and such.

    Adding this feature should be very simple, so that's something we might do even if FAR doesn't support it yet. Just like we added wing thickness even though it currently does nothing.

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