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Posts posted by DYJ

  1. This is exactly what we used to do back when the game was small and the community manageable, but after a certain point it become more trouble than it was worth and the responsibility of testing experimental releases was instead given to dedicated testing and QA teams.

    The teams occasionally switch out people who have left and whatnot, when the next recruitment drive opens it will be well announced on the forum, so keep an eye out for that.

  2. First of all. Even if a post does break the forum rules that doesn't validate being abusive towards its author, that's what the report function is for.

    And as pointed out by users in this thread, the mod does in fact not abide by the rules and as such can't be left on the forum. Once you've gotten rid of the parts you aren't entitled to use you are free to post another thread abiding by the Rules

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