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Posts posted by DYJ

  1. "And DYJ hasn't posted since September 2012."

    Eh, what?

    Spreading misinformation is not appreciated.

    "What I really need is an unpowered versionof the rotatron."

    That has always been doable with a simple .cfg tweak and a version of the rotatron that does just that is distrubuted with TT's multiwheels mod.

    "The models didn't have any clear licensing"

    Reading the OP is a good way to find out the licensing, if it still feels murky just don't touch the models.

    The models themselves were some of the first things I ever did and are therefor not very pretty and there is no reason to build on them, people have previously made sets with different models for DR without having to use the original assets.

    I don't maintain the code for this since it was written by r4m0n, I guess I technically could have a go at it but I'd rather wait for r4m0n to come back from his period of IRL busyness and finish up DR 2.0

    TLDR: This is not abandoned, we are just busy, if you abide by the license rules you are free to make a fork for the latest version.

  2. General Addon Rules:

    - All addons released on the KSP network require a license, the license is to make it clear what other people are allowed to do with your mod.

    And as such a proper juridically valid license works just as well as just writing "No distribution" or something along those lines , as long as it leaves no room for personal interpretation.

    - A addon is not allowed to violate the license terms of any other addon, so make sure to check before you include someone else's work.

    - Addons follow the general forum rules, so keep it classy.


    Plugins follow the general rules but with the additions outlined in this thread.


  3. Camacha - We currently calculate the attach strength of the part based on the size, but they are definitely on the strong side. We might want to tone it down a little. I could look into a aeroelastic variant too, sort of like the helicopter rotorblades I made a while ago.....

    White Owl - I'll add crossfeed to the .cfg . Though I thought they already had that .



  4. While I do agree that the high activity in the Addon releases board is a bit of an issue, splitting it in two based on a arbitrary rule originally set in place to divide demo compatible from non demo compatible mods isn't a good idea.

    Having to look through multiple subforums to find the modpack you are looking for instead of clicking the next page button certainly does not make the navigation easier.

    The same issue we now have with people not using the right tag applied to the subforums too, I was just moving things around to the right section.

    The stickies are mostly outdated and I'm aware of this, the best you can do to fix this is to write up new documentation and PM the links to me. I need help to get the subforum back to its former glory.

  5. Problem with solidworks and .STL export is that SW has no clue what good topology looks like, if you dial in export precision to get your cylinders 24faces (which is sort of standard for ksp) you'll end up with insane polycount the second you add a sweep to a cylinder.

    As someone who routinely work in both softwares, trust me learn blender. SW is brilliant for what it's made for and the same applies to blender but neither of the softwares does the others job in any acceptable manner.

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