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Posts posted by DYJ

  1. Like theflyingfish says, I have no intentions to add functionality to this unless there is a very good reason to do so. Many people seem to like it though so I'll keep it working.

    If anyone wants to make more models for it they are free to do so, it's very straight forward and modeling for it is very similar to how vanilla engines works. A transform for the muzzle and casing ejection port and a emissive map like usual. If you have any questions on how something works/doesn't feel free to PM me here or the official KSP IRC.

  2. You are looking at old code, PartReader was the old way off acessing stuff before .20 and no longer works. You should see it commented out in the bitbucket code, here is a direct link that works: https://bitbucket.org/Damnyoujapan/dyjlibrary/src/57ea7a70e20d5c9f34e1b4cfa310127adf8665c9/Class2.cs?at=default

    If you have a soundfile you like and you know you are free to use I can just add that to the plugin, seems less messy than 2 plugins.

  3. There is no legal reason why you wouldn't be allowed to host a thirdparty mod database ( as long as you are just letting mod authors upload their stuff there on their own volition ). There has been a few attempts, some more successful than others. Kerbal.net which I assume is what KhaosCorp is referring too is one of these, and it was indeed shutdown but not after legal or otherwise pressure from squad, its maintainers simply assumed that spaceport would be good enough to make kerbal.net obsolete.

    Spaceport is in its current state not a good service and I'd advice people to stay away from it until spaceport 2 rolls out.

  4. Like Sean Mirrsen said the change of their dragcoefficient means they work the same as the pod+chute combo, ie only helps your craft point in the direction of travel because it makes the tip of your craft slightly less draggy compared to the rest of the rocket.

    But this still means you are increasing your overall drag making your rocket less efficient.

    I reckon fins are still a much better option for most rockets.

  5. You can add things to previously unlocked tech nodes, but you have to go the the R&D building, click the node, and then click the new parts individually in the small window in the topright corner. Not entirely sure why this is, but that way works.

  6. Additions to PART {}

    .22 adds two new parameters to PART, TechRequired and entryCost.

    TechRequired is what research node unlocks your part.

    entryCost is the cost of the part - in credits - when the node has been researched. Cost isn't actually implemented, the player has a bottomless wallet with the parts being automatically purchased upon researching a node.

    New modules.


    ModuleScienceExperiment is the new module for science stuff, it's fairly straight forward but references the ScienceDefs.cfg science definition file. For this to work just make sure the id matches in both .cfgs.

    It automatically activates animations set up with the default ModuleAnimateGeneric module.


    Antennae module. Same as ModuleScienceExperiment in regards to animations.


    New landing leg module, set up like so: http://i.imgur.com/kKMEbtk.png


    Allows the storage of science reports.


    Located in GameData/Squad/Resources, works the same way as the resources definition. So you can make your own and package it with your mod just like the resources.cfg.

    This file contains all flavour text and defines what can do science where, if you don't want to see spoilers don't read it.

    SituationMask & biomeMask are bitmasks defining where the part can do science.

    SituationMask determines in which of the following conditions science can be gathered:

    SrfLanded = 1 SrfSplashed = 2, FlyingLow = 4, FlyingHigh = 8, InSpaceLow = 16, InSpaceHigh = 32




    [TH]InSpaceHigh = 32[/TH]

    [TH]InSpaceLow = 16[/TH]

    [TH] FlyingHigh = 8[/TH]

    [TH]FlyingLow = 4[/TH]

    [TH]SrfSplashed = 2[/TH]

    [TH]SrfLanded = 1[/TH]





    [TD]Option with everything selected:[/TD]











    [TD]Option with only FlyingLow selected:[/TD]











    The number you need to input is a decimal conversion of binary yes/no selection.

    So you grab the number you've gotten by filling out the options above and run it through a binary converter like this one: http://www.binaryhexconverter.com/binary-to-decimal-converter

    BiomeMask works in a similar way but determines when biomes play a part in your science gathering.

    Think of it as you are filling the list out again, 111111 or 63 is always. 000100 or 4 is only when flying low.

    This allows your ground poking instrument to care about if you are in the desert or not while letting a deepspace radiowavesomethingorother not bother checking what it happens to be above.

    Additional researchnodes.

    A few extra empty nodes have been added to allow easy endgame tie-in by mods. As shown here: http://i.imgur.com/OkwRzka.png

    Names are as follows:









    If you have something that feels relevant please post it in this thread.

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