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Everything posted by DYJ

  1. Think I once found the same reference image...
  2. Glad to see you back doing something at least tangentially related to KSP r4m0n, looking forward to seeing that Bullet integration in the store !
  3. Everyone, please have a read through what Carmack,Palmer CliffyB and the rest of the people actually involved with this has to say before you start jumping to conclusions. I've found nothing other than sensationalist "journalism" pointing towards any change at all regarding the rift.
  4. Moved this here as it doesn't yet have a release and as such shouldn't be in the addon releases forum. PM me or another mod when you guys are ready for a release and want it moved back. Brilliant looking stuff as always, looking forward to being able to move it back
  5. Moved this here as it appears to be a CPU performance discussion rahter than a KSP discussion.
  6. The rules say that the license has to be in the forumpost as well, mostly because it makes it easier for me to see of I need to be bothersome or not
  7. This looks very impressive, a proper fix for ion engines has been a long time coming now. But please add a license to your post.
  8. I did actually start working on that a while ago, something that combined pWing style dynamic meshes with a system that would let you pick and choose from different subsystems, but like most things it proved too timeconsuming and I lost interest, might pick it up at some point though.
  9. My somewhat failed attempt. FAR makes my helos super twitchy, probably have to check for it and tone down their control values. And I'm aware I should have gone around the tower properly :/
  10. Redistribution or not, a violation of another users mod license still constitutes a forum rule violation. Which in 99 cases out of 10 can be avoided if you just have a chat with the developer of the mod your are utilizing before you post something.
  11. Didn't I add everything to one of the last nodes in the last update?
  12. This is exactly what we used to do back when the game was small and the community manageable, but after a certain point it become more trouble than it was worth and the responsibility of testing experimental releases was instead given to dedicated testing and QA teams. The teams occasionally switch out people who have left and whatnot, when the next recruitment drive opens it will be well announced on the forum, so keep an eye out for that.
  13. Hover the mouse over a wing and hit "o" to check the debug values in the console, if it doesn't update lift,mass and so on something has gotten severely messed up.
  14. This is definitely something that should be added, the current system of having to stick cubicoctagonal trusses everywhere to be allowed to attach things the way you want sometimes gets rather obnoxious. Anything that can get rid of attachnodes gets a thumbs-up from me!
  15. The gatling gun is powered by an old version of the same plugin that runs pWings and is no longer supported, Get rid of that thing and stuff should work again.
  16. @ Krist KerbPaint Has support for pWings, at least the earlier parts. @darcgekco You mean a wingpanel without wing properties? That can be done by changing "isWing= true" to false. @camlost Like Deltac pointed out there is nothing special with that cockpit, the wing with toggle-able controlsurface slots is what's interesting.
  17. Why not make the tie-down dockingport part of a landinggear or arrestor hook part?
  18. That really shouldn't happen, any errors in the log? also:
  19. First of all. Even if a post does break the forum rules that doesn't validate being abusive towards its author, that's what the report function is for. And as pointed out by users in this thread, the mod does in fact not abide by the rules and as such can't be left on the forum. Once you've gotten rid of the parts you aren't entitled to use you are free to post another thread abiding by the Rules
  20. I'd just like to point out that I too am quite fond of the looks of these. Loving the step back towards more functional looking parts, much like what I had planned for DR2 and what I with my limited(even more so back then) skill was aiming for with the original mod.
  21. You shouldn't be using the .fbx exporter in blender as unity accepts .blend files natively (iirc it does the .fbx conversion itself under the hood). Doing this means that everything but boneconstaints work, even the previously mentioned modifiers.
  22. That ball is in ferrams court, if FAR expands further so will pWings ( as long as ferram does all the heavylifting on the mathside). But afaik nothing like that is in the works. I have some other projects I want to look at that I think will go nicely with pWings too.
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