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Everything posted by DYJ

  1. Those stock-esq parts look great, but you need to throw up a license. PM me or another moderator if you need help. Keep up the good work!
  2. I'd rather you stayed with one WIP thread, keeping two updated just gets messy and confusing. And posting to just show your agreement is the same as just posting "+1" which the rules frowns upon, please avoid that.
  3. Vertically launching helicopters was always weird.
  4. The addon releases board is for releases, moved this here until you have something to release.
  5. "z" not "Z", there is a difference.
  6. This thread has wandered far from the original question and is now of questionable value. I'd suggest that Kragrathea (and/or anyone else working on this) start a new thread once there is something new to show off.
  7. The part.cfg, not the settings .cfg.
  8. Introduction Due to popular demand I've updated this thing to the latest release of KSP. Instructions / key commands: Defaults to joystick1, so if you don't have a joystick change the keybinding in the .cfg: Example, change: keyFire = joystick button 0 to: keyFire = t For a complete list check: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/Input.html Install: Place the "DYJMisc" folder in GameData, users of pWings delete one of the DYJlibrary.dlls . Always keep the newest. Changelog: 0.1 - Initial release 0.2 - No idea, don't remember. 0.3 - Updated to .21, some changes to how recoil works. 0.4 - Added Luccheses sound business. Source: https://bitbucket.org/Damnyoujapan/dyjlibrary/src/a805754cb1c25d8f1533f18647ee1a4bf6247aa9/Class2.cs?at=default Licensing: No longer updating this. Anyone is free to reuse the code and assets for the purposes of producing ksp mods. Download
  9. Updated the references and added the stock-esq adapter thingy.
  10. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30064-Forum-Rules-June-21-2013 2.2 Forbidden content Discussions of a political, ideological or religious nature; While you probably didn't mean to cause a ruckus this can only go downhill, and since it's a ruleviolation it will have to be closed.
  11. Everyone have the rights to express their own opinion without being insulted, so rather than making a thread insulting those with a opinion that differs from yours you might want to try participating in the discussions on the subject in a respectful and intelligent manner. Thread closed.
  12. All releases on the KSP network have to abide by the same rules found here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33079-Addon-posting-rules-May-31-2013, WIP or not. And since this is in violation of several authors licenses I've removed the link. Feel free to upload again once you've taken out the stuff from other authors you were distributing without permission and added your own stuff. If you have any questions regarding the licenses of individual mods ask the author first next time.
  13. It definitely works for me even without FAR, but I might have accidentally fixed it at some point in the indev version. Guess I can upload that. Rough interstage fairing thing:
  14. I suggest you read through this thread first: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39064-Use-of-AutoCad-for-3D-Modelling But Inventor exports to .stl iirc that can be imported by blender and from there taken into unity and KSP.
  15. WIP mods need to follow the pluginposting rules too, please update your thread to comply: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/7529-Plugin-Posting-Rules-And-Official-Documentation Neat parts by the way.
  16. Moved it to the right subforum. As previously stated learning a dedicated 3dsuite is definitely worth it in the end. When I started I had years of solidworks experience and like you figured I could just convert stuff over to a non parametric format and use that, but since CAD software rarely output anything with usable topology that's not advised. If you go with Blender you are free to bug me(or any of the many others who use it) on #kspmodders on espernet.
  17. Put a link to this in the original DR post now that source and license and whatnot seems to check out.
  18. Removed the ChrisPhilips link since it violates forumrules regarding source and licensing, I suggest you point people towards Sirkuts fork until we get DR 2.0 up. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37707-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Parts I added a link to this thread in the original DR thread.
  19. Another payload fairing test thing. X,Y,Z separate scaling is built in already, it's just a matter of figuring out a good UI system for it and sitting down and actually coding. Wet wings are quite skethcy at the moment since fuel flows out and not in, and that their aerodynamic properties would change with their fuelamount with vanilla aerodynamics.
  20. Infernal robotics still has no source available and as such is in violation of the forum rules.
  21. pAdapters sort of done, want to get some sort of snapping done but can't find a option that works with everything.
  22. Not much written documentation I'm afraid but there are plenty of great youtube tutorials, here's one of many:
  23. Just pick one thread and I'll lock the others, no need for 3.
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