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Everything posted by DYJ

  1. Updated thread title to 1.2 , if you need to change it again PM me or another moderator or drop us a line on IRC. Happy to see this updated!
  2. Thinking about updating all the parts with textures and normals. What do you guys think? I started remaking the pack with newer more optimized meshes and textures and normal maps and stuff , but I sort of lost interest in this since it was just making it prettier and not really adding anything new. I'll try to get working on it again. The assets in the pack are not really set up for any textures, I never did proper UVs since the parts were just experimental test things. But I appreciate your attempt at making them look better. Unfortunately this will mean that the assets will be in .mu format and not work with retexture mods unless the texturer is willing to work with the unity editor.
  3. This is my opinion only and not a statement from Squad. Morally I see no issue with asking for donations or using systems to generate ad revenue, because what we do as mod authors is more or less making content for Squads game for free. It should however be done in a non obtrusive way that doesn't scare people away. In a perfect world a simple "Donate here" button would be enough to let modmakers quit their dayjobs and work on modding full time, but since that isn't the case I doubt that monetizing mods can be done well enough to be worth the trouble. Everyones motivation for releasing mods vary, I personally do it to as an attempt benefit the game and it's community not myself nor Squad. And I feel the that the best way to do this is to refrain from monetization and do my best to encourage others to take up modding. This is my opinion only and not a statement from Squad.
  4. Space Taco, (awesome nick by the way) that issue was fixed in the latest release. Try updating and report back if you are still having issues.
  5. Adding a 0 to the end of the stack node line makes the connection node smaller, 1 is default size and 2 is bigger. node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
  6. 0.25 would be a place to start if you want 31.2% sized parts. rescaleFactor defaults to 1.25 If you want smaller parts then I advice you to mess with the rescaleFactor, but anything lower than 1 and it won't be certain that the parts work. All assets in this pack are in .DAE format, so if you want to make your own parts you can simply import the .DAE and check how everything is set up.
  7. Updated the propeller engines, rotorblur issue should now be fixed.
  8. What I was referring to was the spasm that occurs at 6km which is visible both with or without hinges. The weirdness with the hydraulic cylinders is primarily caused by the fact that they are weird, their linear springyness for example is not applied in the same direction as the translation.
  9. The "Hatch is obstructed" issue seems highly random and while it works for most people it simply fails for some, not sure what to do to help those with issues. Did another random shuttle thing, this time the X-24B liftingbody.
  10. That's unfortunately not an issue with the mod but rather a game issue, it's just particularly visible with when using robotic parts. Making a long arm using the truss bits (or structural fuselages) will make the same issue as obvious. There is a thread somewhere discussing this issue with stock rockets somewhere. Hinges forgetting their position on the other hand is something we(r4m0n) can probably fix.
  11. Glad to see you back. Here is a link on how to add .16 functionality to pods (sort of works on non-pods too) http://kspwiki.nexisonline.net/wiki/Adding_Airlocks_and_Ladders_to_Parts If you need any further help getting used to the new modtools just hop on ksp IRC and me or someone else will be glad to help you out.
  12. A V-22 is certainly not impossible, a osprey-esq machine was one of the first things I tried when making the robotics parts. I reckon you can make one far prettier.
  13. I'll keep this stickied for as long as it goes on.
  14. Nonsensical trolling isn't going to help anyone Khrissetti, I suggest you let it go. But It wouldn't hurt if you were a bit more specific in your inquires the next time MartinVD , that way we wouldn't have to guess what you mean.
  15. I'm not sure how your VAT is applied to online sales, but normally the VAT (if any) is applied by the seller according to national laws. So in this case since Squad is Mexico based the VAT would be 11% according to Mexican law and is probably included in the 18dollar pricetag.
  16. That's caused by the new scaling not applying to our "blur" effect clone, you can disable this effect by changing "rotorBlur = 2" to "rotorBlur = 0" I might make one but chances are that I won't, mainly because the new 1m pod is still very small compared to the Kerbals so making something that looks like it belongs on the pod and seats more than a single kerbal will be impossible. Been doing some more work on my heavy rover:
  17. You can probably make them quite a lot smaller now, since there are no part to part collisions anyway. Decided to start up blender this evening. Very sloppy rigging, just a first go at making a hand.
  18. Thinking about updating all the parts with textures and normals. What do you guys think?
  19. Loving the crewlander mk2, looks very retro.
  20. Good good. I reckon this will be much appreciated by lots of people, good job!
  21. [mod]For tools to be distributed on the KSPforums the sourcecode has to be posted as a safety precaution.[/mod]
  22. Since .16 removed part to part collisions there is nothing but the wobbly joints keeping things attached together, this is what\'s most likely causing the robotics parts to perform worse than expected. I\'ll see if I can crank up the connection strength somehow.
  23. The .cfg settings are case sensitive and your texture is named 'Texture.png' and not 'texture.png' which you told the game to look for in the .cfg
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