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Everything posted by DYJ

  1. @ TOAST: Sounds like you only installed the Aerospace pack and forgot the robotics one, they are two separate things you know. @ colmo: I\'d appreciate a sketch of some kind since I\'m not sure what you mean.
  2. While it\'s a very neat picture (Great job tadeass) no one wants to see it twice on the same page, If you have to quote the post above yours at least put the pictures in spoiler tags comando222.
  3. Putting the X52 joystick on something that would pick up translation of the entire stick and translate that to RCS translation in KSP would be enough. A controller requiring 3 hands isn\'t really that ergonomic, straying away from HOTAS seems like a step backwards. And since the X52 is very common joystick adding on to that seems sensible to me.
  4. @ThjeMattyPrince: Like previously stated the size of the current parts is dictated by unity physics limitations and can\'t be made much smaller. 0.16 Will however upscale everything 2.5 times to get around this, so this means that I\'ll be able to make a new set of much smaller parts with as complicated colliders without issues. @klyith: I\'ll take a look at that and poke r4m0n. @colmo: Shouldn\'t the new attachment logic allow you to attach truss bits to the sides of other truss bits?
  5. I can\'t remember the exact number but the vanilla cylindrical parts have somewhere around 18 faces, so more than that is not needed. Smoothing will help a great deal keeping the cylinder looking cylindrical but won\'t do much for the edges, zoom in on stock parts and you can clearly see the edges. What the stock parts have that you don\'t (I\'m assuming) is normal mapping, which can help a bit with giving the impression of a higher quality model, though I doubt that you can get normal maps to help with the edges anyway. The only way to get around this is with dynamic tessellation, which essentially means that the graphics engine keep creating more and more polys the more you zoom in. This is however not supported in Unity yet as far as I know. You probably want to post some pictures so we can see what\'s going on. Tldr: 60 Sides is far more than you need, but no curved surface can ever be perfect in polygon based modeling.
  6. [mod].ADestroyer360 Posting nothing but a reaction image isn't just bad conduct but also against the forum rules.[/mod] OtherDalfite: Calm down, how these people decide to split their work up is of none of your concern.
  7. Dust514 will be released on PS3 exclusively as a pay to win title. Although I doubt anyone will play it since it just appears to be a worse version of planetside 2.
  8. Turns out that I forgot to give those engines a mass value, will be fixed in the next version.
  9. Just tried the first one, beautiful plane. Had to remove the lower set of ailerons due to silly amounts of roll authority though, and the central wing gear seemed redundant (and collided with the prop, hurting my OCD) so I got rid of that too. Flies great, good job balancing it.
  10. @zombiphylax: I\'m not sure if it counts as a trick but assuming that they don\'t work with symmetry and manually moving the servos on one side to another servogroup with inverted controls usually works. @SasquatchM: Currently the only way to alter the starting point is to edit the mesh file, but r4m0n might be able to add something like that as a gui function. And place a link to your spacecraft exchange thread next time you post a video of new funky plane here, would get rid of some of the unnecessary confusion, keep up the madness.
  11. The way I combine Uv maps is to export them as separate images and then open them as layers in a 2d editing software and save that. The actual Uv coordinates are saved in the mesh file so the Uv maps don\'t have to be combined for them to work.
  12. Can\'t really help you with that, I\'ve had parts get offset icons but reimporting the assets into unity and redoing the write always fixed it. I never managed to figure out what was causing it.
  13. N-gons were added in blender 2.63, and since that update the default option when creating cylinders is to have N-gon ends. There is however no reason to not use them in situations like this, KSP shouldn\'t have any issues triangulating them on import. And the reason your ends are black is indeed due to the UV-map, chances are that you removed the old faces and replaced them with new ones and forgot to unwrap the new ones. Hitting 'constrain to image bounds' in the UV menu helps you keep the UV-map within it\'s bounds by the way.
  14. 1. Unless your part is incredibly large keeping it on the scene origin and setting the coords to 0,0,0 should make a correct part icon. 2. There are two ways to generate a normal map, from texture or from model. A normal map filter can generate a normal map from a texture, I\'ve never tried doing this but I understand that the result isn\'t always all that great. The other option is generating a normal map from a high-poly mesh, this is done in your 3d software Crazy long url for a youtube search 3. C7 shows how to apply a normal map in his part tool tutorial Extra question. CBBP did a write up on this: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=13450.msg205780#msg205780 Although iirc you can\'t use both a normal and an emissive map at the same time.
  15. You don\'t need a normal map for the unity part tool to work but what you do need to do is to tell unity that your node_collider is a collider. The old DAE importer automatically turned anything named 'node_collider' into a mesh collider, but in the new system you need to assign that manually by doing this: Click your node_collider Go to Component -> Physics -> Mesh collider Once you have told unity that your node_collider is a mesh collider all you have to do is to delete the Mesh render component from it to make it invisible. Right click Mesh render in the right hand side menu and select 'remove component' One of the beauties of the new system is that you can have more than just one collider, so if you feel that you need more than one you can simply add new ones either by making a new mesh in your 3d editing software or adding preset unity colliders directly in the unity editor. Hope that helps.
  16. A togglable airbrake is currently something you can make with existing mechjeb plugin. But since one that can only be toggled has a very limited usefulness I decided to wait until I can make a proper variable one.
  17. They were 'working' but with the current 'wing' dynamics they didn\'t really serve much of a purpose. I\'ll look into it again once the wing code gets some love.
  18. First of all you need to make sure that your part.cfg is pointing to your assets, namely the .dae and a texture. Your part mesh also needs a UV-map for KSP to accept it If you have not yet done so I recommend you to take a look at TechnicalBens youtube tutorial: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4032.0
  19. The trees and rocks are terrain scatter items, they can be turned on and off. The option is called 'Terrain Scatters (WIP)' in the graphics settings and is off by default in .15.
  20. Currently trying to get settled in, and figure out what all the buttons does without banning anyone. Team EU will hopefully be fully operational and ready to help out in a few days to complete the round the clock coverage.
  21. Double correction: The swingwing bit is indeed in the aerospace pack, although there are several parts in the robotics pack that could do the same. Double correction: You can\'t really use struts on moving parts since that impedes the movement.
  22. Updated to 1.2. Added another hinge type. Tosh: Bilateral symmetry is currently doing all kinds of weird stuff with the robotics pack, r4m0n is looking into it.
  23. Common sense ain\'t got nothing on me:
  24. Been messing around some more with the cart plugin.
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