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Everything posted by qromodynmc

  1. I wonder if we can make a ringtone out of this blimp sound.
  2. I use War Thunder forum too, people there makes me sick. I get filled with butterflies in this place ^^
  3. I wonder if Turkey is the only country that writes time like XX.XX instead of XX:XX.
  4. It's 1.15 in Turkey, but i remember when we got update around 1.30 before.
  5. We are going really fast but, does anyone wear their seatbelts? In case of crash, it'll hurt us all so bad.
  6. 1.1 is like core game, 1.2 will be real visual upgrade, porkjet will retexture all rocket parts and add pixel based rendering feature, hope they add some clouds and proper ocean.
  7. I hope somebody do some chart work and show us how much performance improved.
  8. I made a Self launching jet glider today, actually tried prop engines first but, they cant fit same place once they start. So, jets all the way! (I know, who puts jet engine on glider, but whatever. ^^ )
  9. I already use tweakscale and part welder but Im facing with a bug, my ships explode over ocean when i get closer to them.
  10. Even if Unity 5 cant manage multiple cores on one ship, there is still one thing to hype, Aircraft carriers!!. It was pain to land on aircraft carrier, when i come near to it, game starts to lag.
  11. His laptop was very high end, i7 + 960m as far i remember. Still, performance looks really nice except the lag when decoupling parts. I believe it could have some optiMizations in there.
  12. Yeah it's easier but still not easier than designing a rocket.
  13. Performance increase looks nice but it's better to make tests and put it into math. I'll keep some records from 1.05, then compare it to 1.1 when it comes out.
  14. I take this as a preview from media groups, and release is next week
  15. I tried making me-163 before, it's kinda hard to make it like real life version, i simply couldn't produce same burn time and twr at the same time.
  16. As for the basic planes, Just check out real life planes, learn how they work, and build similar things to them. As for space planes, learn making basic plane first, then add moar boosters till they go to space.
  17. Well, War Thunder devs are announced that update is scheduled for tomorrow, Now your turn Squad.
  18. Mostly Cpu, I have Gt 650m in my laptop, with i7 3610m, It's always green in stock game with average part count, and your 650 should be more powerful than my 650m.
  19. There is one thing i noticed, KSP and War Thunder always gets updated in very similar dates.
  20. Hype train cant even pass speed of sound. We demand more feedback from devs!
  21. Ahh hype train... Do you guys remember when we wanted to buy pizza for squad? Good old times..
  22. Cd Projekt Red and Squad,Two companies i love, both dont use drm
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