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Everything posted by qromodynmc

  1. I built this spitfire while ago, it's really looking like one but i was lazy enough to dont care about elevator and rudder, used standart wings on them.
  2. Yeah i have serious doubts about ksp flap system.
  3. I know it increases lift but fixed angled wing seems more like a loss to me, I'd rather to use flaps but that's just me
  4. Btw, i wonder why you angled that wing? it'd only cause to drag.
  5. To be honest, in 1.0.5 wheels were simple static objects that didnt care about force or mass. They are not acting properly in 1.1.3 either. We need to find middle way of this. (still i dont think they are useless, Im still making lot of planes every day)
  6. I'll check it out. Look, in your original craft control surface is just above wheel, do you know what that means? whole pressure is going over wheel, and those wheels are really really sensitive to mass. Here is a quick fix, just add canard or control surface, this will make your craft extremely stable and easy to use; I moved ailerons to ends, just for cosmetic, i cant stand to aileron just in the middle of wing Also, assing roles to control surfaces; Canard is for pitch, aileron is for roll.
  7. Veering probably caused by those fixed wheels, they are extra sensitive to everything.
  8. Add a canard, currently control surfaces are way too near to landing gears, putting all the pressure over them.
  9. It's kinda weird but 1.1.3 made my planes little wobbly, they are really heavy but i built them in 1.1.2, they were fine. Still it can be fixed, just needs bigger wheels.
  10. You can change field of view with alt+mouse wheel. When you reach to minimum value, it looks like what you talked.
  11. Svchost is really big problem in windows 7 these days, True problematic service is actually windows update, Maybe it's just me but i kinda feel like microsoft intentionally making some tricks with it. Im myself using windows 10 but my two friend using windows 7 and both has problems with win update.
  12. 1.1.3 works fine right? I'll try it. Btw just wanted to ask, Is there any way i can disable auto black texture on under wings?
  13. This update will be full of bugfixes, not anything else, right?
  14. He said he wont buy a Pc, obviously our guy is not homo economicus. As for you mate, Clock speed is very very important for Ksp, You should look for highest clock speed while keeping cpu generation new enough. Gpu's matter but, not that much.
  15. Well, Cd Projekt Red made their own engine after Witcher 1, they were pretty small team too and i suppose they sold less games than KSP. Still I dont know if it's worth to make another engine for KSP, Overall target audience is kind of small.
  16. Eve, because when you go there, you wont be coming back for a while.
  17. If i have to put some meanings on all these; Ksp is probably evolving into next stage, it'll get updates, with less features but more bug fixes. What do we have left to add? 1.2 will be big and nice update after all, with pbr graphic upgrade, maybe we'll see clouds and pretty lighting effects, we'll also get antenna upgrade. As for 1.3, i dont know. Some dev started to work on multiplayer long time ago but i think it's abandoned. Anyway, i have no doubt about other devs, they'll do their best to make ksp flawless and best.
  18. This and alt+left click to duplicate. These are made my life easier.
  19. Sorry, one day late. ^^ I came back to my home and quickly opened KSP. I never use fixed gears on my planes but for you i tried them on my other planes. Firstly, i dont think other gears broken or problematic but fixed gears are weird, i accept that. They turn to left or right for some reason, sometimes they dont. They are not really reliable in my eyes but they still work, especially if plane is light. My first two prototypes are simple lightweight planes, one is 3800kg (or pure 3800) very easy to use basic jet. Second one is using bit weird gear configuration but it is still capable of flying, especially good at low speed thanks to wing configuration. Third plane is my tanker design, it was 90.000kg but gears werent capable of handling the weight, this is probably main reason of problems, fixed gears dont carry much, because of this they love to explode when landing, pressure is really high if you land more than 5ms vertically. Anyway i dropped weigh to 44 ton, at this weight there was no problem with usual landing and takeoff, but it'd still explode if i land too steep. Lesson i learned from this experimens, fixed gears are very limited when carrying weight, but if you use many of them, they'll work.
  20. I'd but im out of city for few days, but mark this somewhere, i'll try to send them at 08.06.2016.
  21. Im really having bad times to understand how people cant take off or land with current gears, smaller fixed ones are fishy but even those are not unplayable. Im really plane guy and i design planes from 1ton to 200 ton, i just dont get all the fuss.
  22. I really want clouds and as far i remember squad wants to add some graphical enhancements in 1.2. I hope they can find proper way to generate clouds because current cloud mods unnecessarily force gpus.
  23. They are all same in my eyes, i just care their job (eng. Or pilot) when i play career.
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