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Everything posted by qromodynmc

  1. Imo this mod needs .625m propeller engine for smaller crafts. Only one is enough.
  2. Hello Blackheart! thanks for awesome mod!, everything looks nicely but i have this problem; Center of thrust icon doesnt work, Im very new to this mod so i dont know if this is intentional or not. It works perfectly on other propeller engines, just not on helicopter rotors. Hope you can inform me about this.
  3. Looks great! but there are three different files in download link, which one i should download? i think lite version is even more stripped down but im not sure since it's most recent one.
  4. I edited and made coub from video i recorded yesterday; http://coub.com/view/h5meo is it possible to embed coub videos on forum?
  5. I've been messing with camera, took some pictures and recorded little video.
  6. No man's sky has terrible system tho, incredibly low draw distance, bad transition etc, better not give it as an example. Other than that, i'd definitely love to see graphic improvements, especially clouds, new water shaders and new skybox. Current skybox is pretty low resolution.
  7. While everyone goes to space, i was watching some youtube videos about stock propeller planes, and finally managed to build one; it does around 40-45ms, pretty slow but whatever, i had my fun today
  8. Since things are going to south lately, i'd not depend myself on upcoming updates.
  9. Career mode made my rockets more efficient to be honest, before that i was just adding moar boosters.
  10. I remember Porkjet was making textures for rocket parts, is it abandoned now_?
  11. I think mac would be better choice because less problems and more support for it. As for the heat; It wont decrease lifespan of anything except battery on your mac, Cpus, Gpus, all of them has automated clock speeds, if they get too hot, they'll throttle down a bit. But battery life can decrease because of heat and if im not wrong, you cant unplug battery on mac. Also there is another thing, as far i know warranty covers battery life so, if you see unusual decrease in battery, just resquest change before warranty ends.
  12. Oh, i thought they were some postFX filters, sorry.
  13. To be exact, im not suggesting this for just taking photos, for my taste ksp looks bit desaturated or lacking contrast, adding color filter or adjustable color option would help people with different monitors (especially laptops since they have little bad time with colors)
  14. Yeah mine is just an idea, it doesnt look very complex to build but i dont know very well.
  15. Hey guys, there was in idea in my mind for a long time, i decided to make a suggestion for it; Color filters! As many of you know, similar engined game "Cities Skylines" has color filter option where you can select filters to apply, so i thought why ksp cant do that too? They both have same engine, Unity 5! Imagine doing a moon landing mission with Black & White filter, or saturated flight in Laythe? Wouldnt it be pretty?. Here are some screenshots to help your imagination; Soo, what do you think, worth to implement?
  16. I spend some time with No Mans Sky, there are some good things but mostly bad things. Gravity; Same, yesterday i landed on a planet then saw some small moon next to it, very near directly jumped to it and it has same gravity. It's really annoying to me. Spaceship controls; It's like you dont even have control over ship, very annoying. Game performance; this game feels like made by one person that sucked at graphic department, Looks bad, but even worse thing is it looks bad at high end PCs. It looks like 2 megapixel photo + 10 instagram filter on it. Good thing is i quite like seeing some nice landscapes, there is a bit varience in it. At the end, To be honest this game doesnt look like it has 18 quantrillion planets in it, it's just generating 2+ planet every time you move, just that.
  17. To be honest im not that happy with cloud mods, they are mostly too dense and kill my gpu. Wish i knew something about modding.
  18. It's been a long time since I used this mod, cant remember well but this didnt hat Neutral steering support right? Is it hard to implement in future (Of course our main goal is to make this mod working again )
  19. If i have rocket parts capable of interplanetary, I directly go to Duna, then Jool etc. Yeah we can unlock all tech tree in kerbin system but, point of game is not unlocking tree, it's exploring the universe.
  20. Hmm, put them at last stage, and dont mash space button all the time, be careful you are flying a rocket.
  21. Wheel problems are bit exaggerated imo, this is space program game, not racing game. I regularly build planes, rovers, sstos, airliners and i havent had much problems, maybe some little problems but they were easily solvable. On the other hand, console release; Flying Tigers remade the game for consoles, there will be some problems of course, i hope it'll get fixed soon. As for the PR thing, you seriously expect them to wear blacks and feel sad till they fix problems? Cmon..
  22. Thanks for awesome mod man, i really like how it looks but there is one small problem i have; Like every cloud mod, this one too has extreme dense cloud cover, is there any way i can make them lesser? i feel like flying inside cloud soup. I dont want to sound like critizing your work, i have no right to do that, just wanted to know if i have option to do lessen clouds a bit.
  23. Cupcake, your craft is amazing as always but i noticed something else, your screenshots look really nice and saturated, you edited them or mod?
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