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Everything posted by qromodynmc

  1. It took a lot time but i managed to make WindowShine work on ap+ cockpits. It's supposed to be easy but photoshop wasted great deal of my time with incorrect dds files. EDIT; Took some pics and edited them. i dont want to spam this thread with pics and cant make imgurl albums work so i'll post them in screenshot forum and share link here. EDIT - 2;
  2. fs had those configs a lot time ago, in KAX. Yeah, cargo mode would work like wep but it had no bad sides. Actually blackheart can try to improve it, Add wep mode, but make sure it generates heat and leads to overheating. (US Pilot manuals put 5 minute limit on planes most of the time). It'd be nice detail!
  3. They do work in far and honestly, with Far everything feels better, no more planes taking of at low speeds, no more loop fest etc. (there is a far build that works in 1.3, which i use)
  4. I tested this engine on my plane, yeah It does give 6kn static thrust when braked but quickly increases thrust after releasing brakes. This isnt wrong, it's intentional, rather related to implementing realistic acceleration of pistol planes. anyway, with far I got 714kmh at sea level, kinda too much for this engine but cant complain.
  5. No matter how high their thrust is, some engines will never pass some speeds. Kraken for example, it will never pass 700kph (kinda underpowered since actual griffon engine didnt had any problems and griffon spitfires did around 740kmh.)
  6. I love how scatterer makes game look beyond beautiful but there is one issue keeps annoying me; Planes look like they're out of place, they have almost zero lighting from ambiance. I wonder if blackrack or somebody else has plan to do anything about it. It'd be totally epic.
  7. Had a photoshoot with this cute plane.
  8. I have latest ap+ running at 1.2.2, i can send mod folder over pm if you want, you can try that.
  9. Asking airplane plus right? Latest version is for 1.3, you need 1.2.2 compatible firespitter.dll for it, if you change dlls it'll work.
  10. it's easy to make p-51 wings with stock parts, tho i dont know where they are in tech tree.
  11. There is literally a merlin engine in AP+, why would you use vortex anyway?
  12. Im not familiar with ckan, i can only recommend doing it manually.
  13. check parts folder in Gamedata/magicsmokeindustries. If it's empty, you need to install part packs.
  14. Thanks to @V8jester i managed to make this work properly. Still not perfect but best i can get, loving it.
  15. Thanks, i installed this too and works well, except wings being weak and fluttering but that was always same before in my experience.
  16. this sounds stupid but, if i install 1.3 files on 1.2.2 ksp, would it work? or should i stick with maintenance version
  17. I couldnt decide if i should post my edited screenshots here or fan art thread, i'll share here for this time, if a warning comes, i'll share there plus three coubs;
  18. is it okay if i install this on 1.2.2, still not decided to update my game.
  19. Nice! did you tried yourself, i wonder if it'd cause to any incompabilities.
  20. I got inspired from re.2005 but couldnt make it similar because lack of parts. It resembles mc.202 a bit too since most italian planes look rather similar (g.55, re.2005,mc.205 etc.
  21. @blackheart612 Hey man, i was getting some inspiration from tail you made and made italian plane but sadly it didnt fit to it. But something came to my mind so i decided to share it.; Can you make a control surface like this? It'd be extremely useful when making prop planes, lot of ww2 planes use similar elevators too; A mix of them all would solve lot of problems tho, mine is just an idea, you're free to do whatever you please. Also other opinions would be welcome.
  22. Modders like you (and blackrack of course) are legends mate. My ksp looks awesome and i can create whatever i want, i hope you guys update your mods till 2050s so i can create planes in virtual reality with photorealistic graphics
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