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Everything posted by Anquietas314

  1. You can see that they are in the screenshot - the black and yellow stripes indicate the top of the engine (where it connects to a tank).
  2. seaces: that's because adjacent wings that you didn't directly attach together are, well... not attached. You can add struts between them (at the wing tips) to make them stick together, but unless it's making your plane uncontrollable, it's not really worth caring about. Plus it makes the plane a little ugly when there are struts all over holding wing pieces together If you were using FAR it might be a bigger problem though. As for, erm... "other problems", you probably shouldn't use so many elevon pieces - there are bigger ones for a reason
  3. O.o OH! I see. In that case, try right clicking the engines and clicking "Jettison". It's supposed to kick the fairing off (the cylinder). I really don't know if it will get rid of the docking ports, but if it doesn't, you can just activate the engines and throttle to max The docking ports will quickly overheat and explode.
  4. Don't worry about what the contract says; they're randomly generated and consequently quite stupid sometimes. All you need to do to pass the contract is land the engine in the water, then activate it. It doesn't care if the engine is already activated; just add an empty stage and stage it Also I wouldn't recommend doing those contracts - they generally pay so little it's not worth your time, never mind launch costs.
  5. A few people have asked already, and from what I gather it's just not possible without writing a plugin, because the class choice is based on the kerbal's name, sorry
  6. From your screenshot, it's not really clear what part is the problem or why it's a problem. Heck, it's not clear what that IS in the image - are those 4 things docking ports or engines? I'm guessing from the ad-hoc landing gear support thing next to them that they're engines, but I'm not sure. Maybe try uploading a different screenshot, this time from the lit-up side?
  7. Hmm yeah I guess that might make sense. That would need to be one big (and deep - but that's assumed) crater for the planet's curvature to really matter though. I think the bigger ones on Mun might be the sort of proportion you'd want, but I don't think those are deep enough to pull it off.
  8. From my own experience, the stabilize thing doesn't seem to give a damn what you're flying, or even that you're really "stable" at all.
  9. (disclaimer: speculation) I think that would depend on how wide the crater was... though, if you can't reach orbital velocity by the time you get to the other side of the crater at the lip, why would you expect things to improve by going deeper into the crater?
  10. In fairness, Jeb's famous more for enjoying a wild ride than being an expert pilot (mechjeb aside)
  11. There are only the 8 strategy choices available at the start - the 5-strategy limit means you can pick up to 5 of them. I don't use strategies heavily enough to know if it's possible to pick 5 without conflicts though.
  12. It's Bob; if it helps, remember Bill's the stupid one of the 3 (yet he's an engineer?) and I'm sure everyone has no problems remembering Jeb's the pilot EDIT(derp): Oh yes, good idea!
  13. No, I mean there are already AN/DN indicators on the target orbit itself. Notice how there's 4 markers on them, not 2 when you're in the same SoI as the target orbit? You slightly botched the quote btw - the second tag needs to be
  14. While we're at it, why not just have the whole settings screen directly accessible from the pause menu? That should mean the devs don't need to maintain two+ separate settings UIs
  15. I actually built a plane yesterday that could keep running the engines (at low throttle) all the way out past 69km - at which point there's no atmosphere at all lol. It didn't take very long to get there either, so it can be done (this was also quite a small plane though). I just noticed OP asked about RAPIERs vs turbojets: RAPIERs can switch to rocket mode late on to get you into space, but can only get up to 2km/s relative to the surface in jet mode - not enough to get out of the atmosphere on jet power alone. Turbojets have a top speed of about 2400m/s, which is enough
  16. I would be in favour of this It's a small thing, but it's also incredibly easy to fix (just a matter of changing the string put on the button)
  17. I'm pretty sure you meant apoapsis - periapsis is the low point in your orbit.
  18. I can't speak for FAR, but in stock aero you want to climb as steeply as you can while still gaining speed (or holding speed if you have TWR close to 1), until you reach about 10-12km, then start levelling out. You want to be at around 10-20 degrees ascent on the navball by the time you reach 20km depending on how high you can go before running out of intake air. From there, just try to keep the thing going on jet power as long as you can - if you can reach/exceed orbital velocity (can do this with turbojets) that's ideal.
  19. That makes sense I guess. As I said, colourblind. I can distinguish the borders on the graph, but I can't very accurately compare the colours on the graph with those on the scale.
  20. It's worth considering that on the return trip you would probably expect the cargo bay to be empty, along with the fuel tanks, so that might not be a serious issue.
  21. I think the bit in question is 0.6-0.7 going by the scale on the right (it's the third highest grouping), but then of course I am colourblind. EDIT: Unless the colours are based on the lowest value in the range...
  22. I'll just add that the StageRecovery mod will simulate a landing and automatically recover those parts for you (instead of deleting them) with the value based on where they would have landed and how hard they hit the ground (it doesn't seem to account for parts exploding though).
  23. Nah that's probably fine, at least in stock. It might be worth making the wings wider though if you're going to drop some of the fuel (= less surface to stick wings on).
  24. Just a thought, but if you're on a particularly steep slope (in terms of what you can safely land on) that might just be enough to lift off (before falling further down the hill/crater/... and possibly going boom )
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