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Everything posted by Lekke

  1. Yeah it does, for one thing MJ detects if you are controling from a docking port for instance for the docking auto pilot. Not sure if MJ will work on the rotors though.
  2. You're probably hitting the memory cap, try running it with ATM and if you already are go into the BoulderCo folder and delete the ATM config, KSO.cfg that should reduce the memory even more.
  3. This looks like a great mod, finaly a good satellite to send up with the KSO. Looking forward for the communications equipment for Remotetech.
  4. If you click on the bottom right edge of the laptop it opens up and turns into a raster prop monitor.
  5. @ Lawndartleo Have you tried running it without the KSO.cfg? I personally don't use it and run ATM basic. And the KSO doesn't look bad at all.
  6. Certain parts where changed in 4.081, I recommend you do a complete clean install of the KSO. When I updated to 4.081 I removed every KSO related file and I did not have any issue with 32-bit version. Didn't try out 64-bit though.
  7. Look on the backside of the wheels, there are arrows on it. You need to rotate the wheels in the correct possition. For an example use the provided craft files that come with the 4.081 pack.
  8. 32 bit, ATM doesn't work with 64 bit. Atleast not for me.
  9. I run it with ATM basic and without the config file. It runs just fine and I have a good deal of mods installed. Did you load up a craft file from pack 4.08 or 4.081? There were changes made in 4.081. If not that then did you install the firespitter.ddl from the download or are you using an older version? It also causes glitches.
  10. Set the frond wheels to 20.8 and the back wheels to 0. That's the settings of the craft files that come with the pack.
  11. Look on the backside of the wheels for an arrow, you need to possition them correctly else they won't make ground contact. The loop on the sirens has been removed to stop a glitch.
  12. It appears to be working, loaded up KSP with the 4.08 wich had the glitch.
  13. True it's a great mod but it hasn't been updated for 0.24.2, there is only a community fix. However I've not had any issue so far *knocks on wood*.
  14. Is there a KAS module on the Firetruck or is just having KAS installed enough to cause the glitch?
  15. Yes, it functions the same way as the stock lab, the green lab is like a science bay.
  16. The right click drop menu for the KerbalLab is broken again. Does anyone recall the fix for that?
  17. Nice trailer you taking out your kerbals for a camping trip?
  18. How does it handle the oscillation when moving it with a part attached? I had a roughly similar idea, but using it caused the station to shift orbit over time.
  19. For anyone who is using TAC life support you need to edit the MM_AddResources file, the coach has 9 crew and the file only goes up to 6 crew so as is it won't have the resources onboard. Just add that to the file. I've gone up to 9 crew. The values should match up with the rest. @PART[*]:HAS[#CrewCapacity[7],@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!RESOURCE[Food]]:FOR[TacLifeSupport]:NEEDS[!modularFuelTanks&!RealFuels] { // 7 crew RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 4.26 maxAmount = 4.26 } RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 9.45 maxAmount = 9.45 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 1597.40 maxAmount = 1597.40 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide amount = 0 maxAmount = 1374.38 } RESOURCE { name = Waste amount = 0 maxAmount = 3.75 } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater amount = 0 maxAmount = 10.43 } } @PART[*]:HAS[#CrewCapacity[8],@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!RESOURCE[Food]]:FOR[TacLifeSupport]:NEEDS[!modularFuelTanks&!RealFuels] { // 8 crew RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 4.97 maxAmount = 4.97 } RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 10.80 maxAmount = 10.80 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 1825.60 maxAmount = 1825.60 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide amount = 0 maxAmount = 1570.72 } RESOURCE { name = Waste amount = 0 maxAmount = 4.44 } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater amount = 0 maxAmount = 11.92 } } @PART[*]:HAS[#CrewCapacity[9],@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!RESOURCE[Food]]:FOR[TacLifeSupport]:NEEDS[!modularFuelTanks&!RealFuels] { // 9 crew RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 5.68 maxAmount = 5.68 } RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 12.15 maxAmount = 12.15 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 2053.80 maxAmount = 2053.80 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide amount = 0 maxAmount = 1767.06 } RESOURCE { name = Waste amount = 0 maxAmount = 5.13 } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater amount = 0 maxAmount = 13.41 } }
  20. With the Kerbostar it's alot easier getting up the mountain to work on my transmitter tower. It's located in the mountain range just behind KSC. About 50 km away. Luckely it wasn't that clouded or I would have flown into the side of those mountains. The controls however do take getting used to, landing does take some practice. Other then that nice work.
  21. There is no set time for the release. All we know is soon.
  22. Check out last weeks dev notes. It's qouted in there.
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