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Everything posted by guto8797

  1. I can't provide any logs as of right now, i am away from home, for atleast two days, and i have my last exam comin up, so no Ksp fo me I double checked. Only happens in simulation mode, however i only tested those start in orbit simulations, perhaps that is causing some nono with KSP physics... Then again, i have well over 100 mods installed soo... could be that any of it interacts with KCT. I can assure it is only happening on simulation, if i use the regular build there is no massive kraken. One of my main suspicions is KerbQuake, moving Kerbals around gives off a shaky camera, perhaps there is some sort of issue.
  2. Hellooo! I am having an issue i would like to report. Currently simulation mode is borked for me. Must be something with another mod, because any sort of colision while on simulation mode causes any hit part to explode. Jeb. at 0.00000005 M/s. Hits a steel encased ship. Jeb destroys the ship. Do you need any log or anything?
  3. Med res. They still look like stamps, and unless my eyes fool me, they look even worse than on regular EVE http://imgur.com/QTZ8LC3 http://imgur.com/G4lXweY http://imgur.com/ITR3Chq
  4. Thank you for that heads up, but my issue persists. Clouds do look rather ugly, what can i do? I have tested, full res in KSP is nono. Anything else i can do? I would attempt the 64bit KSP thing, but downloading full unity just fo that...
  5. Hello! I have installed this mod, and i have run into a pseudo-issue. Clouds look fugly. I use kerbal at half res textures, ATM agressive, EVE low res and Better atmospheres. Could this sort of settings unite into a ultra low res clouds? Unfortunatly, my KSP already runs at 3,2GB ram, sooo Would cranking KSP to full res textures hit that hard on RAM?
  6. Ups, forgot to add that in. yes full reinstall, deleted folders and evathing. EDIT: and you have the glorious honor, my 100th post on your tread. Rejoice!
  7. Nope. Latest versions. I also have RPM with MFD, all updated too. I install the config files inside the gamedata folder (just dumped, perhaps they need to be inside a folder?) and copy both scansat and scansatRPM
  8. This is probably an issue with another mod, but i get a crash trying to get onto the landing pad (Latest SCANSAT dev release + kethane 0.86). This is the crash section on the output log.txt. Any Halp? ========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ================== (0x10054AC3) (mono): (filename not available): mono_signature_is_instance + 0x6 (0x00CC9EC8) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x2d798 (0x00D4C03B) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0xaf90b (0x00CD5579) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x38e49 (0x00D4BBE7) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0xaf4b7 (0x00CCEECC) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x3279c (0x00CD0338) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x33c08 (0x00CCDF01) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x317d1 (0x00CCDF4C) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x3181c (0x00CCE1C5) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x31a95 (0x00C24C9E) (KSP): (filename not available): NamedObject::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x61afe (0x00F37389) (KSP): (filename not available): AnimationEvent::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x10f109 (0x0459EFFF) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.GameObject:Internal_AddComponentWithType (System.Type) + 0x2f (0459EFD0 0459F03C) [02F94E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x0459EFBC) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent (System.Type) + 0x14 (0459EFA8 0459EFC1) [02F94E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x045F3F5C) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent<object> () + 0x24 (045F3F38 045F3FA9) [02F94E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x588436BC) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): SCANsatKethane.SCANStarter:launcher () + 0x54 (58843668 588436C9) [02F94E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x588435F8) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): SCANsatKethane.SCANStarter:searching () + 0x90 (58843568 5884360F) [02F94E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x58843551) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): SCANsatKethane.SCANStarter:Start () + 0x21 (58843530 58843556) [02F94E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x0453E629) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) + 0x41 (0453E5E8 0453E67D) [02F94E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x100EFEDE) (mono): (filename not available): mono_set_defaults + 0x22bf (0x1005D680) (mono): (filename not available): mono_runtime_invoke + 0x51 (0x00CC8939) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x2c209 (0x00CC8C28) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x2c4f8 (0x00CC903F) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x2c90f (0x00C9E20E) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x1ade (0x00D382BA) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0x9bb8a (0x00D90FEB) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0xf48bb (0x00D927FB) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<StreamedBinaryWrite<0> > + 0xf60cb (0x00FDE9F8) (KSP): (filename not available): AnimationEvent::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x1b6778 (0x01010370) (KSP): (filename not available): AnimationEvent::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x1e80f0 (0x74AE338A) (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x12 (0x76FE9F72) (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0x63 (0x76FE9F45) (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0x36 ========== END OF STACKTRACE =========== **** Crash! ****
  9. Some tips: -Include game version in title. -Pics -Compatibility with KSPI and it's tree? Going to keep tabs on this. Altough to be fairly honest kerbals are just the species to stick someone in a rocket and THEN decide putting a computer
  10. Is this mod still alive? In case so, how does it fare with treeloader, things like KSPI tree, NearFuture etc
  11. WELL. STRAP ME TO A BOOSTER AND FIRE ME AT THE KRAKEN CAUSE I AM UTTER STUPID. Turns out. 2x symetric radial parachutes have a fitting price Thank you for your... contribution. (get the reference?) EDITZ: Just a side note, probably related with another mod, but i am getting a "argument is out of range" error at "asteroid capture". It is not punctual as far as i have seen, nor have i even touched asteroid captures, just letting you know.
  12. Thank you once again. Also i want to report the (not sure if intended) rather high price on realchutes. around 1k per chute, if i recall correctly, might be 2k, kinda heavy on early finances (As i like to put chutes on every stage for KCT )
  13. I might be missing something, but how do you make rockets actually cost something if you use KerbalConstructionTimer? It overrides the regular Launch button.
  14. Apoligies milord for perstering thee again. I, however, must ask thee a question: How do Quicksaves work with MCE? Are they usable? Or every time I screw something up must i use the MCE button, situation that would be inconvienient, as to restart a whole Duna mission because of a tiny mistake is infuriating. Thank thee in advance EDIT: Also, i had one idea, and i would like to hear your opinion on it. I am no coder, but should this work it could be very beneficial to apolo style mission. What about this: Every time you undock from a ship, lets say ID 0001, the undocked vessel gets his own ID and also a backup "Son" ID. Lets say you launch a lander from vessel 0001, it's id would be: 0002 (own id) ; S0001. Upon checking for landing goals MCE would look at the ships ID and Son ID. WOuld this be doable or a good idea?
  15. Thank you. I have grim memories of my early times with MCE, loading any sort of quicksave completelly screwing up budgets and stuff. I really hope all sorts of quicksaves, reverts and etc are supported now.
  16. Just a tad little question: How does this mod integrate with Mission Controller extended? WHat revert buttons can I use, can i use quick-saves? And also, how does recycling work? Thank Thee
  17. The idea of the crew is great, even combines with my Mission Logs (i use the notes mode too keep mission logs and crew ranks and capacities makes the game so painfully long), but i love the training idea. Could be very expanded later on. Engineers to fix the DangIt issues, Medics to heal kerbals, Scientists, E.t.c. So much possibilities. What turned me away from the mod was the fact that quicksaves or reverting was severelly borked, i might give it a shot now.
  18. Hello! I keep close tabs on this mod, and i just want to ask two things: -How does the mod fare right now with reverting missions, quicksaves, KerbalConstructionTimer? -Are you planning (and i hope so), to keep this mod active after 0.24, as an improvement over eventual gaps left by squad? Thank you in advance
  19. Hello! I want to report an incompatibility and ask a few questions. A warning: both this mod and modular fuel tanks are incompatible with Engine Ignitor, at the current release. Now for the questions: -How's this mod overall compatibility? -Do you require configs for EVERY engine? -How does this fare with fuel producing mods like KSPI or Kethane? Do they manage to convert their fuels into usable fuels by the mod or no cake? Thanks in advance!
  20. Well, hello again! I have tried the mod, and i gotta say, it is pretty awesome. I just need some advice now. My first rockets rely on a first SRB stage, which then drops off and launches a LF stage. Unfortunatly, the sudden variation is speed upon dropping the boosters causes the engine to shut down. I have even tried turning it on while the boosters where still on, but the same, dropping them causes the engine to shut off. Any tips?
  21. Thanks. Modular fuel tanks was the issue. Removing fixez. Me happy. Me can spin rocketz to get fuelz. But now seriously, modular tanks is incompatible and can anyone cite an important mod that uses it? I can't recall why i have it
  22. I don't haz real fuelz. I haz modular tanks. As a verification, what is the folder name for real fuels? perhaps it is hidden somewhere but i don't think so. Any log i can provide? PLease don't ask me my mod list... It is... Humunguous.
  23. Hello! I personally love this mod, and hope that it gets an update, but i have one question: Resource integration. We really need something like minecraft's OreDictionary. How does TAC water fare with KSPI Water? Does MKS fit well into TAC? Does kethane fiddle with it? Also, is there some sort of greenhouse? I am not looking forward to making a 100% self sustainable base (IRL that is pretty much impossible), just something do delay death point.
  24. Can anyone help me? I dont know what is going on Engine ignitor is correctly installed, parts show up, engine tooltips and etc correct, but its almost like it doesnt work at all! No hypergolic fuel is consumed on hypergolic engines and no ignitors are consumed on regular engines! What could be wrong? I also have RPM (with MFD) and Vessel viewer. I installed the Engine ignitor main file, along with RPM, vessel viewer compatible version (in a different folder, as provided in the zip: My gamedaya has EngineIgnitor and RPMEngine Ignitor) EDIT: Hummm... i noticed now, on flight, engine status are duplicate. odd. there are two sets of engine stability etc EDIT2 : Got rid of duplicates, had duplicate configs. Problem persists. NO hypergolic fuel nor ignitors consumed. Shows Engine State INVALID
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