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  1. With this release, will we be able to "generate/breed" Kerbals in the station. If we don't have any spare kerbals, who pilots the craft you build??
  2. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel Core i7-12700H | GPU: Nvidia RTX 3070 | RAM: 16GB Have a lander style ship where I docked back to my main ship. So I have engines facing in each direction. Engine on lander was disabled through in flight part manager. When trying to slow down retrograde I discovered that ship was speeding up if I timewarped even 2x. After playing around with it, I discovered that in part manager setting max throttle to 0 of the engine that was turned off fixed the issue. Or moving it to a later stage also fixed the issue. While on current stage, it produced thrust, while in timewarp, but used no fuel. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  3. I'm sorry, but have you seen the expansive docks. That's like saying, "This isn't Kerbal Spaceplane Program", when it obviously is.
  4. I'm hoping this is more of a tree. Lets say there are 4 basic resources, A, B, C, D you can have 2 element resources that are made by combining resource AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD. Thats 10 right there, then a few trinary resources like ABC, ABD, ACD, BCD, then finally ABCD. Thats exactly 15.
  5. Part Manager claims there are brakes on the LY-01 landing gear, but they seem to apply zero force even when cranked up to 200 braking force. Other landing gear with brakes work fine. Edit: after 3 or 4 reloads of the game suddenly the brakes now work.. what??
  6. Main issue is that parts will break down and are not always fixable. And radiation damage keeps adding up.
  7. Read the description of the lander, I believe it says it's leaky or something. Even though habitat is enabled the pod isn't actually pressurized, you wear your suits inside.
  8. Thanks for the new supplies parts in the dev build. One question, the text doesn't seem to change when you change the type, as it does when in your included photo. Its always just "supplies"
  9. What's weird is when I viewed the FAQ page it said all can repair engines. Later I viewed it again and it reverted to and older version that didn't say that. Not sure if it's versioning in some weird way or what.
  10. Which wiki are you referring to? https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/wiki/PlayGuide-~-Reliability Says all can repair
  11. Nope, in the 3.1 release they drastically reduced the weight that shielding causes. Everything floats now, or I might just be missing something.
  12. Has anyone had any luck making a probe that sinks in water in the current release. Until I unlock Ore tanks it seems everything floats even with shielding turned up to max.
  13. Yea, inflatables haven't worked on the ground since I first tried out Kerbalism many months ago when we had to use air pumps. I just chocked it up to blowwing up a ballon while in atmosphere is much more difficult than in a vacuum. Though some sort of message might be nice.. shrugs.
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