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Everything posted by Dakitess

  1. Wow i'm very glad that you enjoyed the craft and the video edit itself ! It became my favourite craft even if I had to test it sooooo many hours haha. Very reliable and efficient while not using a single asparagus montage, and very fun to land each part Yeah really, thank you for your feedback, do not hesitate to point out any things you would improve ! Just in addition, since you probably won't read french, the third stage is also reusable, using a high speed deceleration from very high and energetic trajectory, capable of returning from mun without heatshield, thank to its resistant rear parts and extra fuel to reduce the velocity at key moment. I want to show the payload itself, which took me hours and hours as well, it is an all-in-one compact station, scoring 250 parts, and which need to be reassemble in orbit to shape a compact and complete station. But I doubt i'll have the time to do a proper showcase, so il will probably be a Twitch Live that I will record... But in french :s Anyway, any other comments are welcome of course, and maybe a day I'll join the team of "Epic Engineers"
  2. Hello there ! Thought I could post here my last showcase about a 100% reusable massive stock launcher, which took me about 100+ hours to build, optimize, shoot and edit Be sure to turn 1080p and sound on ! ^^ I hope you'll like it, here is my showcase thread if some of you want to see more crafts
  3. Well, not much enthousiasm here Maybe this one will be appreciated ! Took me a bit more than 40 hours to create and optimize this full stock launcher, capable of 100% reusability, with some innovative methods I think I really hope you'll like it, I did my best here, and any constructiv feedback would be appreciated ! Thank you for watching
  4. Okay, thanks, best luck to find the remaining issues
  5. Hey guys, I really look forward to play with this awesome mods, thanks both of you and the other involved of course ! Any idea about when an officiel update is planned ? Is it about days or weeks ? Thanks again ! No rush, just to get the information ^^
  6. Here is my last video ! A cinematic based on the ExoMars mission, that I wanted to reproduce as precisely as I could while being stock Here It is ! Be sure to use 1080p and turn on Sound Took me quite a lot of time, so... Feeback appreciated !
  7. Yep cosmetic ones, no parts mod and nothing that would alternate gameplay in a way or another ! Thanks
  8. Okay then... Here It is ! Feel free to give me any constructive feedback, good or bad !
  9. Hey there I've made a short edited cinematic of Exomars mission in KSP Vanilla and i thought that some of you might be interested, is it a good place to post it ? Don't want to brake tu rules
  10. Well, no feedback at all ? ^^ Thought it would maybe interest some of you ! Anyway here is the last one, even shorter so that you might want to give it a look : You'll see 2 DC - Hunters flying side by side and doing some Top Gun Stuff Everything is fully stock except for the graphics aspect ^^ Enjoy !
  11. Wobbly craft ? Actually they're not ^^ Of course some struts are needed to keep things together, since i'm not using KJR
  12. Too bad this topic died ! Here is my Stock Launcher, fairly capable, without any asparagus configuration of course : This was in 0.90 if I remember well, would perform way better with the new model atmosphere Her little sister has been updated to 1.0.4 : Also in video, when it was 0.90 too I think, and when it was possible to design that custom payload, made of maaaaany parts... Now, my PC dies at 400 parts xD
  13. Ooh I almost missed this thread ! Lots of funny and impressives things here, well done guys Here is my contribution, feel free to visit my whole channel, I only (almost) have showcases, short and edited videos Stock Aerial refuelling : A full single launch modular station (3 épisodes, here is the second one, probably the more interresting) : An aesthetic and modular bomber with advanced nuke rocketry : One of my favourite launcher, fully made to be aesthetic while massive and functionnal : Also, my Mun And Back mission with lots of visual mods for a whole beautiful video, at least to me ^^ I have a lot more ! But to finish this post, maybe some gifs to attract you Fully automated gravity turn (full stock : sepratron for initial pitch) A gfycat : http://gfycat.com/AmusedPiercingJuliabutterfly I'm open to receive any advices or comments, of course !
  14. Okay, thanks, I totally forgot to say that I was, indeed, okay to buy a used CPU, it could even be a way to reach some high-end CPU at reasonable cost, in order to wait a year or two and change the whole configuration without losing lot of money. I'm gonna see what's available and what could be reliable, in France, for such used CPU. Thanks for the answer and sorry for the slight off-topic !
  15. Theses are exactly my concerns ^^ Upgrade now, with Skylake MotherBoard CPU et DDR4 Ram ? Or wait until further generation, since I just want to upgrade my KSP performance, which should easily be possible with something like a 3770, still very powerful ? Waiting 2 years could be a good idea, in order to get DDR4 when it's fully operationnal et affordable. So... For 250€, what 1155 CPU to buy, specifically for KSP ? Maybe there is some particular reference, dealing with this kinda-monocore thing... Even with Unity 5, the multithread will only allow one core per vessel, soooo... Dunno, if you have advices, i'd like to learn about it !
  16. Mmh good that this thread already exists, I was about to create one to deal with FPS / CPU. I'm currently about to buy a new CPU but do not know what is best... I'm running a i3 3220 / GTX660 / 8Gb RAM which correspond to a saaaaaad 2-4 FPS with a 450 parts thing on the runway. Really not satisfying, especially when I was 6-8FPS with 800 parts rockets at launch, in 0.90 ! So i'd like to buy a new CPU, about 250€, depending on how it is cost effective on KSP ! If you already have information, let me know, even if charts helps me !
  17. Mmh, radiators are good heat transfer system, not only good cooler, things are working in both ways so... Expose a radiator to huge temperature, it will transfer the thermal energy to the parts from the exterior, really not what ya aiming for I think ^^ Dunno if KSP is modeling this, but I'm pretty sure he does (and hope so) since it already calculate the heat receive from Kerbol Radiation. So incoming heat is a reality ^^
  18. Thanks MartGonzo ^^ The framerate ? Oh... Don't know what ya talking about. The number in the upper left corner ? Ooooh I thought it was an information concerning the number of physical warp activated with this craft xD Yeah well, 3-4 FPS, this is so damn frustrating... Zucal, this is a pure beauty ! Do the wings provide lift with this angle ? I'm always doubting of how KSP calculate the loft of a wing when positioning a bit special
  19. Here is my Huge last SSTO, called "DC - TrimaSky". It's able to put in 100km orbit a theoretical payload of 250t from a weight at takeoff around 1070t... Not so bad I think, especially considering that I did not do anything to make it particularly efficient (Design of the Huge main custom fuel tank lead to me to that configuration) : I would be happy to know what you think about it, my thread update seems to not interest anyone ^^
  20. An Imgur Album of my last huge SSTO that might interest you Also, my Mun And Back mission with lots of visual mods for a whole beautiful video, at least to me ^^ And a short demonstration of the DC - Hirondelle evolving between the KSC building with lot of agility :
  21. Hey ! Thanks a lot for that fix, this solved half of my problem ! ... Half cause yeah, ShadowPlay refuses to record what i'm doing in KSP. Previsouly, before this Patch, I used to record as a desktop capture, really not comfortable cause i would record with the native resolution, i.e 1600*900 while i'm playing 1920*1080. BTW this is still possible. But i'm still looking for a solution for ShadowPlay At the moment, I have the icon showing me that yes, it received my order of recording (The white arrow in a corner) but nothing appear in any folder, neither the temp one. While it is working on other game (I think) and desktop (i'm sure). Edit : Ooookay, my mistake, I changed the directory and it works fine... Then just thanks !
  22. Thanks guys ! You can see it in action here : But this a french tutorial ^^ And moreover, quite outdated since 1.0 haha, but you might be interrested so I post it anyway.
  23. Nice station ! Here is my single-launch modular space station, i'm quite proud of it and of the edition of the the videos. In fact there is 3 episodes but I know I'm gonna lose you if I put'em so... there is the second episode ! This is really short and edited as usual, give it a try ! You might want to discover the previous episode about the launcher here : Anyway, my thread is here, with other videos and pics. I do video only when i'm truely proud of my creations, so that it should not be boring ^^ ! : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113230-Dakitess-Corporation-Stock-Showcases-in-pics-and-vids-%21
  24. Nope I did not, I aleady have mine but I can easily see that there is work inside and that this is well designed !
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