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Everything posted by Dakitess

  1. Here is a small imgur album to see more about the refuelling arm of the DC - Flow (first video of the topic) Everything is based on the well known flexibilty of the TT-70 when arranged in chain. But there is also all a set of legs in order to keep 2 positions, deployed or not
  2. Hey there, I think my single launch modular station might interest you, even if it is through videos : give it a try, this is short (< 3 min !) and edited ! Ep 1 : launcher Ep 2 : Assembly in orbit Ep 3 : Versatility of the whole thing If you have any feedback, I would be please to read them I see lot of beautiful things here, this last page is a good example and I remember some awesomeness before too !
  3. Glad you liked it I made a full description of it with pics and words, available here : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94712-Dakitess-Corporation-DC-Scale-%28Aesthetic-huge-launcher%29 I think the best is to use only one topic for creation, pics and vids, no ? Do not hesitate to tell me if i'm doing something wrong regarding the rules or the uses ^^
  4. This is really awesome, something that I've never tried, looks really nice and innovative, well done !
  5. Hey there, I'm not familiar with this official forum of KSP, but I am well known by the french community and I think my contribution could interrest some of you, so... Here I am ! To briefly introduce myself, I'm a an addict to KSP, fully Stock Player (I even give up Kerbcam to find back the typical static view of the game). Not that I'm anti-mod, I find them really interresting and incredibly well made regarding KSP, but I would spend even more time if I had the possibilty to use hinges, ressources, advanced mechanism... No no, keep them far from me ! Moreover it is for me a challenge to innovate further than even SQUAD could have think about, to create and design things in other way that there were meant to be done. Yeah, innovation should be the best word to describe my goal in KSP I already have a hundred pages full of pics with all my creations, that you can find here : http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=523&start=1060 You can navigate through the pages, it is in French so not really interresting but I always use to illustrate my words with clean screenshot Enough blablabla, let's present some of my last creation and I'll start by a few videos : Stock Aerial refuelling : Using TT-70 Decouplers as homemade suspensions : A full single launch modular station (3 épisodes, here is the second) : An aesthetic and modular bomber with advanced nuke rocketry : One of my favourite launcher, fully made to be aesthetic while massive and functionnal : These are a few of them, please consider checking my Youtube Channel to see more. I'm not here just to make an add, but to receive feedback and try to integrate the large english-speaking community ! Hope you'll enjoy, see ya soon
  6. Yup ! I'm not a big fan of replicas, generally speaking, but I like this one
  7. This is really nice, Kudos Marjorim ! Everything is looking so great
  8. Just a question, why not making your own crafts when they are easy to make and without specific skill constraints like "Legal Clip Ability" or precise replicas that would involve time ? I mean yep, they're cute, but you can easily rebuild them with some personnalisation no ? No offense (I'm French, I could sound rude while i'm not ^^), juste wondering Eorin, nice replica, looks sharp !
  9. Mmh, okay I see. The thing is, I already have an SSTO for laythe, and this plane can easily get there since it counts 24t of payloads, far enough to put fuel and Nuke. I see a lot of "classic SSTO" which don't show much innovation or particular specs, but are still getting some replies, as I often do, to encourage, advise or anything else 50 Kerbals in one single launch, is kinda useful when it come to populate a wide station ! It is an economic and safe way, compared to a bunch àmultiple rocket launches, to me ^^ Since KSP includes Crew Managering, it's not that painful to move them from this plane to the station Maybe I should have shown this in practical. I use to limit my post to a brief showcase of capactity and design, since I find the other to post way too many pics. Thanks for the answer Edit : Owww I missed one reply while I was writing ! Thanks Zeptun Glad to be the host of your first post !
  10. I'm quite disapointed to see no reaction, half of the time I post something :s Maybe you could enlighten me about what is wrong ? Is it a matter of presentation / bad english ? Or it does not deserve particular interest ? I Mean, most of topics gets a pair of replies, at least. Just wondering how I could do better ^^
  11. Hey, regarding the title of this thread, I though my video could be interresting to you. I know, this is not an Imgur Album, but this is almost as short and practical ^^ And what is a missile without motion ? The beginning is about the mounting of the central nuke bomb, but don't worry, destruction comes right after
  12. Here is my last SSTO : See more in my topic, if you're interrested ! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/102016-Dakitess-Corporation-DC-Liner-%28Bring-50-Kerbonauts-in-Orbit-in-a-single-SSTO%29 There is a Imgur Album that I do not put here to avoid big post.
  13. Hey there, i'm here to introduce you the DC - Liner, my last big SSTO able to bring a full team of kerbonauts in your orbital station in one launch Descriptions are available in the Imgur Album but i'm not native english speaker, so do not hesitate to ask me any other informations ! Here is the Craft File for the potential interrested people : https://mega.co.nz/#!jNYBAC6Q!gJuPkqnzYoGbjJiQSakcAlvwBbi5fHuW9Pi-QFICzRI I use this post to ask you something : I was wondering about creating my own main post where I could add my different constructions. Is it a good idea ?
  14. There is also the possibility to adjust fuel quantity into tanks when they come to penetrate another part. Easy, fair, usefull But yeah Spam Intake or Fuel Tank duplication are kinda cheat to me. Anyway, it allows some cool stuffs sometimes, when coherence no longer matter ^^
  15. Yeah, don't even think about trying this on a laptop. Well KSP on a Laptop is not really recommended, except for preparing Craft in VAB or testing small assemblies With some fresh air, you can flirt with the 300 parts even on a old laptot. Except if it is an ultrabook... In other hand, even a low-powered office computer with a i3 3220 costing 100€ is really enough for KSP ! This is my processor, running at 12 FPS during this DC - Scale video. Lots of optimizations have been done since 0.18
  16. 1greywind, really nice designed sphere ! What link did you use between parts ? The classical double-cubic struts ?
  17. Thanks, both of you This is not exactly 4 big fuel tanks actually, since there is inclusion that bring me to reduce their fuel capacity accordind to reality.
  18. Hey there, I allow myselft to "double-post", I don't know if is okay, but this is directly connected to the subject I just found in my footage an impressive explosion that lead one decoupler to go straight in the camera, it looks nice ! The video is about 10 seconds, and I think it may worth your attention I think I'm gonna use it for my intro, as a "transition" ^^
  19. Thanks a lot for having watch the video ! The launcher itself, without the payload, is about 680 parts... yeah, it's a lot, this is the cost when it comes to design and compacity :s But after ditching the first 4 larges lateral column (about 10000m), the framerate goes up quickly since all the parts devoted to aesthetics flanks are gone
  20. Well thanks a lot ! My french thread is not really up to date, well not the first page, but the last ones are representatives
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