Hey guys! I'm BriXman, also known as BriXmanGameNerd or just Brix. Recently, I was browsing the Fan works forums, and stumbled across my friend UpsilonAerospace's thread, the Debris Series (check it out!), awesome pen drawings of different craft debris. This inspired me to start drawing again! So I started drawing. I also draw some War Thunder, here. After about all in all 3 hours of thinking, raging and drawing, this was the product. I'm calling it Stranded at Eve. It's not coloured unfortunatley, but I might do that later on. Might as well do more, tell me what you think! My drawing skills are not the best, just warning you, but I'd like to get feedback and suggestions to my drawing. Stranded at Eve 12th of July 2014. Ludford Kerman had performed a successful landing on Eve, and after planting a flag and taking samples, he was suppost to get back into the capsule. However, Ludford had forgot to deactivate the autopilot, thus sending the rocket up towards space without Ludford. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something I drew in school, not coloured fully, but nice. A small comic-like image, explaining one of the most annoying problems you have in KSP. Enjoy. Tell me what you think! -Brix