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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. 2016 wasn't going quietly. William Christopher, who played Father Mulcahy on M*A*S*H, died in the morning of New Years Eve, after battling lung cancer for a year and a half. He was 84. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/william-christopher-father-mulcahy-mash-dies-at-84-960185
  2. Happy New Years!! Yeah yeah, so I'm over 12 and a half hours late. Sue me
  3. They didn't like the stock tech tree, so they made their own...
  4. Whoops, didn't notice the date in the url, thanks.
  5. Is that an older pic? It looks the Shuttle's RSS is still there, or are they just leaving it there?
  6. I'm a, um, whatchamacallit, a human, yeah, that's it, that's the ticket, a human, yeah...
  7. Well, I lasted an hour after posting this thread. There were still no replies, and having done a little more reviewing, I bit the bullet and bought Civ 6. As one might guess by my virtual absence from the forums, I've been trying to do nothing else for the last 2 days. The urge for just "One more turn..." is very strong with this one. Despite that, I did manage to get something done: I built a fold-down wall desk for my daughter's room, with a ledge for pens'n'stuff. I also upgraded all six(!) bulbs in her basement room to LED, along with a compatible dimmer. Pics (just needs paint): Thanks for all the suggestions, but I'm glad I spent the dough on something that'll help me achieve full wastage of my 11-day holiday break at work. Now, if you'll excuse me, the wife is at work, the teenage daughter is sleeping, the boys are separately (and therefore peacefully) occupied on the XB1 and PC, and Civ 6 is finished loading. Maybe I'll come up for air before the New Year. Cyuz.... Edit: Oh, and I also unlocked the ultimate lazy-dad achievement: Spent all of Christmas Day in my housecoat and boxers! ...([alt-tab] "Now attack, ye scurvy dogs....!)
  8. http://www.acronymattic.com/SMQ.html And from there I see... Sperm Motility Quantifier
  9. And now Carrie has passed away. My heart goes out to all her family, friends, and fans. Strong she was in the Force, but not that strong... *looks around for a new shimmering blue Force ghost*
  10. Merry Ho-Ho Everybody! So this morning I got a $100* Steam card. I wanted a Steam card, but I didn't expect that much! But that's good, because what I was really itching for on Steam was Civ 6. Right now it's at only 10% off for $72 which is still a little steep. Civ 5 is 75% off, a mere $8.24, but Civ 6 is such a huge upgrade in gameplay, with multi-tile cities and such. But now I'm reading the reviews and it seems the AI diplomacy needs work, to put it mildly. So I'm not really sure what to do. Anybody have any recommendations on what to do with my Steam windfall? I don't have much on Steam, not even KSP, My library consists of Cities: Skylines and SW:BF2. The only Civ game I've played is Civ 4 (full BTS version) and put many hours into it. If I only buy Civ5, then that's a lot of dough left in the wallet. Any other suggestions for a 46yo gamer dad? *All funds in Cdn $
  11. It would be quite a waste to have all these laser sats and drones up there and hopefully never actually being used for anything except deterrent. As long as they're up there, how about using them for debris removal via laser ablation?
  12. You build and operate trains in KSP. 'Nuff said. "I'm normal. Everyone else is weird" - Unknown/Anonymous/EveryNerdEver
  13. I don't see why someone couldn't make a custom multi-stage rocket; you just have to have the right pieces. One example is that the easiest rockets have pre-cast plastic fin units, progressing to laser-cut then you-cut balsa as the skill level goes up. Decal count will also likely go up, and it'll need more complex paint jobs. Other than that, you should be able to tell from the pictures that the overall complexity goes up with the high-level rockets, with dowels and extra winglets and other radial add-ons. Price and assembly time also go up; some rockets are ready to fly or can be ready in an hour or two. It's the difference between this:and this:
  14. I don't know if @nightingale's Contract Configurator could be made to do this, or if it would need to be built in to the game itself, but I would really like to be able to, using the right-click menu on command pods and probe cores, assign contract(s) to that vessel. Then, when I bring up the current in-flight contract widget, it could be toggled to only show contracts assigned to that vessel. Then I wouldn't have to wade through all the contracts I have, collapsing them as I go, (only to have one pop open again), to find out if I'm high/low enough and fast/slow enough over the right body with the right kerbals and/or parts to complete the contract(s)! All it boils down to is filtering the stock contract widget to only show the contracts I want to see when I'm controlling that vessel. Right now it gets way too cluttered with contracts that will get completed by other vessels, once they complete the multi-year coast phase of that mission. Please and Thanks!
  15. Come to think of it, I think you're right. That solves that. I think a lot of people will be watching ANH again this weekend (goes looking for the Blu-Rays....) Riiiiight, forgot about that. I think I'll be watching this one many more times when it's on disc, way more than i've watched TFA or 1-2 (3 wasn't bad if you can ignore the wooden acting of Anakin)
  16. Good point, it does, but yet it doesn't. I don't recall Galen Erso mentioning the thermal exhaust port that the Rebels found in the plans, just that the reactor was built to blow up big-big if it was hit hard enough. I liked that part too, but I found myself thinking the physics seemed off. The second Star Destroyer should have been pushed away before that much damage was done, IMO. They were trying to muster up reverse so there shouldn't be anything in space to hold it in place. to absorb that much damage.
  17. Yeah, I noticed the Bothans got shut out of it too. You could fly a Star Destroyer through that plot hole, but it is just one line that is easily forgotten about. I wouldn't be at all surprised if one more "Definitive Edition" of ANH was released, deleting/modifying that line and adding in the chase coming out of hyperspace at the very beginning. Not sure what else could be tweaked to make the effort worthwhile, aside from going back to "Han shot first!"
  18. It keeps the story self-contained for the Anthology, and shows just how many people sacrificed themselves so the Death Star could be destroyed.
  19. That's because it's not a Star Wars Episode (x). It's the first movie of the Star Wars Anthology Series, self-contained stories with a definite beginning and end. No sequels or prequels.
  20. First off, it's called Rogue One, not Rouge one; it's not about a French pilot flying in Red squadron [/Spelling police] I enjoyed it immensely, the ground and space battles were pretty good, ships didn't just disappear in a fireball but scattered flaming wreckage around. Some great one-liners in there too. The one thing that bugged me was that one four-engine ship model that twice crash-landed when just one engine got hit. I think it should have been able to keep flying, although slower. Then again, Star Wars uses repulsorlifts more than wings for flying, so I suppose those could have been damaged too.
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