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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I hate that I don't get as much time to play it as I like. And that I waste my valuable gaming time by surfing these informative forums. I also hate that I have to break every so often so my laptop can cool off and stop throttling itself into a time dilation factor of 1 second game time = 3-4 seconds real time
  2. My Duna mission finally arrived. I had discovered that by spending an extra 100m/s of dV leaving Kerbin's SOI, I could shave around 140 days off the trip, but when I got there I found I needed 1.1km/s to capture around Duna. My tug could do it, but I decided to aerobrake at under 10 km instead. It did not go well
  3. Way back in the demo I evolved the "MonkeyLauncher" line of rockets
  4. (destination) Orbiter - unmanned probe (destination) Station - lab complex (destination) CRV - Crew Return Vehicle, usually to return the crews from various stations (destination) Miner So, basically, destination and function
  5. Regrettably, the farthest I could go for a Kon is Seattle, and even that's a stretch right now. Hopefully one year. Have fun wherever you guys end up, I still say FlightSimCon is your best bet, KSP would fit right in. I'm sure some players could even bring their simpits.
  6. When NASA said he needed to make more fuel for the MAV to reach Hermes, where does it go? Why would there be extra unused tankage on the MAV?
  7. If the main engine on your Mun probe has gimbal, you can still steer. It's less efficient and less accurate, but you can fire up the engine on low power and use that to turn the probe. I've done this in the same reaction-wheel-less situation to put a satellite in the contracted orbit, although not from equatorial to polar
  8. Yeah, I knew the conventions I listed for Vancouver weren't a good fit for KSP, but those were the only ones here that were remotely like KSP. I have to say the FlightSimCon next year sounds like a perfect fit. Maybe a bunch of KSPers could dress up like kerbals to crash the AnimeCon
  9. How else would w keep it warm? Waiter! There's RP-1 in my soup!
  10. Well, there's VANCOUVER COMIC CON: SUNDAY, JULY 5TH, but I think the venue is a little small. Or there's an Anime convention mid-August... I'd love to go to a KerbalKon (never been to one of these -Con things), but these don't seem that exciting to me...
  11. I also have cat allergies unfortunately.That's not a Hobbes spoiler. This is a Hobbes spoiler.
  12. I was actually hoping it was 867-5309. I haven't heard from Jenny in awhile
  13. I always rig for "Fire in the Hole!" and it has only burned me a couple of times, when I forget to kill throttle when I decide to stage off the burnt-out previous stage in orbit
  14. The HyperLoop would probably function fine in a Martian environment with minimal modifications. It would be great as a Martian surface transportation system, without relying on rovers for everything. And by the time SpaceX gets to Mars, they'll have probably figured out a way to robotically 3D-print the system from Martian regolith. The pods could double as Mars Descent Vehicles pressure vessels/crew cabins, and then loaded into the tubes.
  15. Ain't it great? I've come back to a thread weeks later with that button still there. "oh really, I wonder what I was gonna say"
  16. When you merge a ship from the load menu, the first thing I do is drop it. I don't usually want the whole craft, so by holding shift and clicking the ship I just merged in, I can take it apart. That frees up attachment nodes to attach it to your new ship.
  17. An EVA incident broke my Minmus Science Station, resulting in the lab being disconnected from the rest of the station, although still being in the stack. After rescuing the scientists, Tedfrey the Engineer was tasked with decommissioning the lab, so he knocked it over and was left standing on top of the service bay. There seems to be a bit of a glitch with kerbals standing on service bays, since he wouldn't stop head-bopping. The logical thing to do was put it to music:
  18. I think the very first rep I got was from a mod, for clarifying (paraphrasing) his question to someone. I don't remember who though....
  19. Yes, I was, until SOE completely and without warning changed the game.
  20. No we can't change the number of days, but the calendar could be reformed: 12 months of 30 days, plus 5 (or 6 for leap years) days of non-denominational Turnover celebrations.
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