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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I could NOT find the pic I wanted: where Wile E. pulls the ripcord and a bunch of camping gear flies out of the pack
  2. had to find something besides duct tape... Well, the pic that shows up is a nuclear blast. I took the second pic in the album to be an underground nuclear blast...
  3. I've heard (forgot the source) that the Indian Ocean is more predictable than most places.
  4. The hills part is confusing, but the second part sounds like Goliath
  5. Some doofus put the fairing base above the decoupler, leaving it stuck to the engine bell of the upper stage motor. While the sat made it to space, it didn't stay there. It didn't hit the ground either, it vaporized during reentry.
  6. I gotta admit it would have been awesome to see Grand Admiral Thrawn
  7. Yesss..... Yessssss.... Feel the Hype surround you... Let the Hype flowwww.... Already got my tickets for the first show on the first day. Itsa going to be a madhouse. I wonder if I could profit from those tickets on stubhub? Now I just have to convince my 18yo daughter to wear a white robe and put her hair in a double bun...
  8. Sent a drone to rescue Val from the surface of the Mun. Next I'll be sending a tri-drone to pick up her and some other random stooges from Munar orbit. Dunno why she keeps running out of gas...
  9. For my current attempt at hard mode I'm combining Kerbal Construction Time and TacLS, as well as dialing down the fund and science rewards a little to 80%. KCT allows you to simulate flights for a cost. Not sure if it's really making it that much harder though, I'm still fairly early in the career
  10. 600lbs worth of paint on the Shuttle ET, IIRC
  11. I was working at a call centre doing printer tech support. O e caller said they had replaced the toner cartridge and now it was just printing blank Q: "Did you remove the protective strip first?" A: "Umm... *click*"
  12. Dug out my Thrustmaster HOTAS joystick to try my hand at flying again. I took my low-tech wheezely-powered Bumbler to explore the Island airfield (anomaly surveyor contract pack). Much better than the keyboard, but I still tail-struck the engine off during landing
  13. Not my fails, but still funny... No, my printer isn't bugged, but... And neither is my PC, but...
  14. That's odd. If you use standard Estes rocket engines, they come with ignitors that work perfectly, and with their new (to me) plastic plugs that they didn't have years ago, I haven't had a motor fail to light in the 20-odd launches since I picked up the hobby again (kids, perfect excuse to exercise my inner kerbal). If the ignitor isn't hot enough, you probably need new batteries. And rechargeables probably don't push enough voltage. Ever connect an ignitor to house current? It goes *pop*
  15. I just started a new career (after my old one developed a minor bug that I didn't want to work through) with Kerbal Construction Time and TAC-LS. On my first Mun landing Val didn't have enough dV to make orbit again, but she had lots of supplies, so she settled in to wait for the rescue ship to be built. Then she discovered that she didn't have enough battery power to make it though the long Munar night. So she disconnected the pod battery, only turning it on for a few seconds every 115 minutes to clean the air and then turning it off again. I lost track of how many times she had to wake up to briefly power up the LS during that long, cold Munar night. The rescue drone ship, with extra boosters and batteries, is currently rolling out to the pad.
  16. Preparing for moving, moving, unpacking from moving. Gonna be a busy couple of months. If I get the chance I'll play my new career with KCT and TACLS
  17. Well. Above or below the plane of the galaxy would be the best direction to go to escape a galactic core explosion. So it must be the Pak in the process of building a Ringworld!
  18. If it works, it would be worth it. And the fact that they are trying and have gotten one of the harder parts of the tech developed is encouraging. After all, anything that isn't tried will automatically fail. Will it fly? They have some engineers that seem to think so, and have convinced some investors. One can only hope.
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